On 5/12/20 9:53 AM, Cuddle Beam via agora-discussion wrote:
I get where you're coming from, but there might be quite some debate on the
scope of 'once', I suspect...
Is it once per infraction? Once *ever*? Once one player does it, can
everyone else still do it too?
This is a good thing to be concerned about. I think precedent has us
covered here, though. There are five instances of "CAN once" in the
ruleset that are interpreted to mean "once per instance of that thing
occurring". They're found in Rules 2350/12, 2496/17, 2585/3, 2602/2, and
103/28. You can look those up manually, but a Ctrl+F in the ruleset also
There could be some argument that *every* player could do it, though, as
those five instances all specify an agent. We'll see what the Agoran
Public thinks, I guess.
(if so, as a side idea, it could be made
logistically easier with a contract though, something like "everyone who is
a member can do the pong coin thing on behalf of anyone else who is a
I'm not sure I follow. Like, a contract endorsed by the rules that does
the same thing as the second paragraph of the proposed rule? That just
sounds like normal rules with extra steps.
On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 5:44 PM Reuben Staley via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
On 5/12/20 6:13 AM, Cuddle Beam via agora-discussion wrote:
Wouldn't this allow you to succ people dry out of their coins because
is no limit to how many times you can activate this after an infraction?
could just say nothing and just attempt it later on but like, this
would be such a pain in the ass lmao.
I believe that the "once" in "any player CAN once" should prevent that
from being a problem.
On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 4:11 AM Reuben Staley via agora-business <
agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
I submit the following proposal:
Title: Agora plays table tennis
AI: 1.7
Author: Trigon
Create a new rule entitled "Ping Pong" with Power=1.7 that reads:
The first public message sent by a player each Agoran day must
begin with the word ping (case-insensitive). The second public
message sent by a player each Agoran day must end with the word
pong (case-insensitive).
If a player fails to include ping or pong as mandated by the
previous paragraph, then, in that same Agoran day, any player
once revoke one coin from em.