On 5/12/20 6:13 AM, Cuddle Beam via agora-discussion wrote:
Wouldn't this allow you to succ people dry out of their coins because there
is no limit to how many times you can activate this after an infraction? I
could just say nothing and just attempt it later on but like, this mechanic
would be such a pain in the ass lmao.

I believe that the "once" in "any player CAN once" should prevent that from being a problem.

On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 4:11 AM Reuben Staley via agora-business <
agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

I submit the following proposal:

Title: Agora plays table tennis
AI: 1.7
Author: Trigon

Create a new rule entitled "Ping Pong" with Power=1.7 that reads:

        The first public message sent by a player each Agoran day must
        begin with the word ping (case-insensitive). The second public
        message sent by a player each Agoran day must end with the word
        pong (case-insensitive).

        If a player fails to include ping or pong as mandated by the
        previous paragraph, then, in that same Agoran day, any player CAN
        once revoke one coin from em.



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