On 1/29/2020 9:32 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> On 1/29/2020 9:25 AM, Timon Walshe-Grey via agora-discussion wrote:
>> (then again, there's also this:)
>>> Judgments in Nomic are not bound by rules of precedent, for that would
>>> require a daunting amount of record-keeping for each game.
> Well, e's not wrong...

also, reading it now, the full context is pretty important on this one!

"Judgments in Nomic are not bound by rules of precedent, for that would
require a daunting amount of record-keeping for each game. But the doctrine of
stare decisis may be imposed at the players' option, or may arise without
explicit amendment as successive judges feel impelled to treat like cases
alike. Without stare decisis players are put upon to draft their rules
carefully, make thoughtful adjudications, overrule poor judgments, and amend
defective rules. This is one way in which Nomic teaches basic principles and
exigencies of law, even while it vastly simplifies."

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