On Friday, October 18, 2019 8:11 PM, Jason Cobb <jason.e.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I submit the following proposal:
> Title: R2478 Fix
> AI: 1.7
> Text:
> {
> Amend Rule 2478 ("Vigilante Justice") by replacing the text "a person
> (the perp) who plays the game" with the text "a player (the perp)".
> }
> --
> Jason Cobb

Not everyone who plays the game has a Registered Citizenship at any given 
moment - for example, ais523 is basically a permanent fixture but hasn't been a 
player for a couple of years. The point of this wording is to allow Fingers to 
be Pointed at non-players who have some link to Agora, but not at totally 
unrelated people like Hillary Rodham Clinton. Note also that there's nothing 
preventing non-players from being fined or possessing blots.


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