Does that Rule necessarily imply that an Instrument with power equal to or above 3.0 CAN cause those changes? If no entity could perform those changes, that Rule would still be accurate.

Jason Cobb

On 6/23/19 3:30 PM, Aris Merchant wrote:
Yes. AI 3.0 proposals are functionally omnipotent. The reason lies in
Rule 2140, "Power Controls Mutability", which says:

"No entity with power below the power of this rule can

       1. cause an entity to have power greater than its own.

       2. adjust the power of an instrument with power greater than its

       3. set or modify any other substantive aspect of an instrument
          with power greater than its own. A "substantive" aspect of an
          instrument is any aspect that affects the instrument's

However, that rule is only power 3.0, so proposals at power 3.0 can
change rules at any power. This is convenient, because first off if a
proposal passes at AI 3.0, it has consensus, and secondly because it
allows us to use powers greater than 3.0 solely for controlling


On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 12:26 PM Jason Cobb <> wrote:
Can an AI 3.0 proposal create a power 3.1 Rule?

Jason Cobb

On 6/23/19 3:12 PM, Aris Merchant wrote:
I submit the following proposal.

Title: Timeline Control Ordnance v2
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: omd, Jason Cobb

Enact a new power 3.1 Rule, entitled "Timelines", with the following text:

    A timeline is a temporal sequence of events and states.

    The Objective Timeline is the timeline of matters as they actually happened.
    On the Objective Timeline, the consequences of an event are determined
    based on the conditions actually in effect, under Agoran law, when that 
    occurred. The Objective Timeline is not part of the gamestate; instead, it
    is the recording of events on reality itself, and changing it retroactively
    without actual time travel is thus IMPOSSIBLE, rules to the contrary

    The Standard Timeline is the timeline used for the purposes of ordinary
    gameplay. By default, the Standard Timeline is defined by events and their
    consequences in the same way that the Objective Timeline is. However,
    the Standard Timeline is part of the gamestate. Accordingly, it can be
    modified retroactively; such retroactive modifications are secured
    at power 3.

    Attempted retroactive changes are to be interpreted as attempts to change 
    Standard Timeline. All changes are to be interpreted as prospective unless
    they are explicitly retroactive.

    By default, any entity with a power less than the power of this rule that
    refers to the past, present, or future is to be interpreted as referring to
    the Standard Timeline; however, entities may explicitly reference
    different timelines.

Amend Rule 1551, "Ratification" by changing the text "the gamestate is modified"
to read "the gamestate is retroactively modified".

Amend Rule 591, "Delivering Judgements", by changing the text

    "The valid judgements for an inquiry case are as follows, based on
    the facts and legal situation at the time the inquiry case was
    initiated, not taking into account any events since that time:"

to read

    "The judgement of an inquiry case should be based on the facts and legal
    situation as they objectively existed at the time the inquiry case was
    initiated, not taking into account any events or retroactive modifications
    since that time.

    The valid judgements for an inquiry case are as follows:"

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