Y’all, come on. Surely you have an opinion?


On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 4:56 PM Aris Merchant <
thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So I was looking at the best ways to handle the illegal win problem,
> and I decided to bring back an older set of somewhat more complicated
> victory rules. They involve Winning Conditions, Losing Conditions,
> Victory Announcements, and Cleanup Procedures. Basically, if you
> satisfy a Winning Condition and no Losing Conditions, you can make a
> self-ratifying Victory Announcement to that effect. If the
> announcement ratifies, you win, and the Cleanup Procedure for the
> Winning Condition you satisfied is activated. This seemed a robust set
> of generic concepts for dealing with victory, so I thought reenacting
> them with some modifications might solve our problems. Here's a proto
> that does that. Part 1 consists of the new victory rules, and part 2
> consists of assorted modifications to existing rules to make them
> compatible. I'd love to hear what you think!
> -Aris
> P.S. The old rules were R2186 from March 2008 [1] and R2343 from March
> 2012 [2]
> [1]
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-official/2008-March/004137.html
> [2]
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-official/2012-March/009331.html
> ---
> Title: Conditional Victory
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-author(s):
> Lines beginning with hashmarks ("#") and text in square brackets ("[]")
> are comments.
> Enact a new power 3.0 rule, entitled "Winning: Terms and Conditions",
> and reading as follows:
>   Winning Conditions and Losing Conditions are conditions
>   explicitly defined as such by the Rules. Such conditions are
>   generally satisfied instantaneously, not continuously. No such
>   condition is satisfied unless a rule specifies that it is.
>   Each Winning Condition should (if needed) specify a Cleanup
>   Procedure to prevent an arbitrary number of wins arising from
>   essentially the same circumstances. When one or more persons win
>   the game by some Winning Condition, for each of those persons who satisfy
>   that Winning Condition, its Cleanup Procedure occurs.
>   If a rule states that a person "achieves victory by X", it is to be
>   construed as meaning that mean that the specified person satisfies
>   the Winning Condition of X for a period of one month, beginning
>   at the specified time, or until e wins the game by X, whichever is
> sooner.
>   The one month period is tolled (suspended) for so long as any CFJ
> relating
>   substantially to the circumstances of the win is open and for one week
> after
>   its closure.
> Amend Rule 2449, "Winning the Game", to read as follows:
>   A Victory Announcement is a published statement, labeled as a
>   Victory Announcement, that declares clearly that a specified person
>   or persons satisfy a specified Winning Condition while
>   not satisfying any Losing Conditions (and explicitly and clearly
>   states which persons and which Winning Condition). A Victory
>   Announcement is self-ratifying.
>   When a Victory Announcement ratifies, or a judgement confirming
>   the veracity of a victory announcement has been in effect and
>   unappealed for one week the person(s) Win the Game; specifically they
> win the
>   Round that ends with the indicated win. Agora itself does not end and the
>   ruleset remains unchanged. The game CANNOT be won in any other way,
> rules to
>   the contrary notwithstanding.
>   The Herald SHALL award the Patent Title Champion to any person
>   who wins the game, in a timely fashion the win. The
>   Herald SHOULD note the method of winning in eir report.
> Retitle Rule 2449 to "Winning: Apply Here".
> Enact a new power 3.0 rule, entitled "Winning: Exemptions and Exclusions",
> with the following text:
>   Any person who is included in an attempt to win the game, for the purpose
>   of which attempt that person has either knowingly violated a rule, or
>   willingly and knowingly been a party to a rules violation, where that
>   violation is directly and materially responsible for circumstances
> necessary
>   for or beneficial to that attempt, commits the Class-6 Crime of
>   Poor Sportsmanship, and furthermore satisfies the Losing Condition of
> Bad Form
>   with respect the attempted victory.
>   Any person, having already been listed as winning in a correct Victory
>   Announcement, who is again listed to win in Victory Announcement,
> published
>   within 30 days of the first one, where the circumstances of the attempted
>   victory are substantially unchanged, satisfies the Losing Condition of
>   Excessive Repetition with respect to the later attempt.
> Amend Rule 2556, Penalties, by changing the first paragraph of that rule
> to read as follows:
>   Every impure person satisfies the Losing Condition of Disrepute.
> Amend Rule 2594, Fame, by changing the paragraph beginning
>   "Any player whose Fame"
> to read
>   "Any player whose Fame has been either 10 or -10 for at least 2 days
>   satisfies the Winning Condition of Stellar Domination. Cleanup Procedure:
>   The Victor's fame is reset to 0."
> [The following isn't phrased as a Cleanup condition since that would allow
> the person to dispose of the coins in the intervening period.]
> Amend Rule 2483, "Economics", by changing the text
>   "A player CAN win the game by paying a fee of 1,000 Coins."
> to read
>   "A player CAN achieve victory by Wealth by paying a fee of 1,000 Coins."
> Amend Rule 2465, "Victory by Apathy", by changing the text "win the game"
> to read "achieve victory by Apathy".
> Amend Rule 2537, "Balloons", by changing the text
>   "A player CAN, by announcement, spend Balloons equal to the sum of
>   the Ranks of all Posts in order to win the game. Upon doing so,
>   all eir Influence switches are set to 0."
> to read
>   "A player CAN pay a fee of Balloons equal in number to the sum of
>   the Ranks of all Posts in order to achieve victory by Politics.
>   Cleanup Condition: All of the Victor's Influence switches are set to 0."
> Amend Rule 2553, "Win by Paradox", by changing its first paragraph to read
> as
> follows:
>   Whenever a CFJ about the legality or possibility of a game action has
>   been assigned a judgment of PARADOXICAL continuously for at least
>   7 days, the case's initiator achieves victory by Paradox.
> Retitle Rule 2553 to "Victory by Paradox".
> Amend Rule 2438, "Ribbons", by changing the text
>   "While a person owns all types of Ribbon, that person can Raise a
>   Banner by announcement. This causes that person to win the game.
>   That person's Ribbon Ownership becomes the empty set."
> to read
>   "While a person owns all types of Ribbon, that person satisfies the
>   Winning Condition of Renaissance. Cleanup Procedure: The Victor's
>   ribbon ownership becomes the empty set."
> Amend Rule 2464, "Tournaments", by changing the text "win the game" to
> "achieve victory by Contest".

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