Looks correct to me, but note that I just submitted another proposal.


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Friday, November 23, 2018 8:40 AM, Aris Merchant 
<thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Okay, everyone, I am not technically late for a change, so here's a
> draft of my Promotor report. Corrections are, as always, appreciated.
> -Aris
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
> Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
> pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
> quorum is 6, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
> options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
> conditional votes).
> ID Author(s) AI Title
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 8133 Trigon 1.0 Proposals aren't worth that much
> 8134 G. 2.0 The judge switch
> 8135 twg, D Margaux 2.0 Blot Decay (Reprise)
> 8136 V.J. Rada 3.0 I hate myself
> The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8133
> Title: Proposals aren't worth that much
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Trigon
> Co-authors:
> Amend rule 2496 by replacing the text "the total strength of all valid
> ballots", wherever it appears, to "the number of valid ballots".
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8134
> Title: The judge switch
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> Amend R991 (Calls for Judgement) by replacing the paragraph beginning
> "When a CFJ has no judge assigned" with the following text:
> Judge is an untracked CFJ switch with possible values of any
> person or "unassigned" (default). To "assign" a CFJ to a person
> is to flip that CFJ's judge to that person. To "remove" or
> "recuse" a person from a being the judge of a CFJ is to flip that
> CFJ's judge from that person to unassigned.
> When a CFJ's judge is unassigned, the Arbitor CAN assign any
> eligible player to be its judge by announcement, and SHALL do so
> in a timely fashion. The players eligible to be assigned as judge
> are all active players except the initiator and the person barred
> (if any). The Arbitor SHALL assign judges over time such that all
> interested players have reasonably equal opportunities to judge.
> If a CFJ has no judge assigned, then any player eligible to judge
> that CFJ CAN assign it to emself Without 3 Objections.
> [I think all instances of judge assignment/removal work with the
> above definitions, without further modification].
> For every CFJ that was assigned to a judge immediately before this
> proposal took effect, that CFJ's judge switch is flipped to that
> judge.
> [Note: all old cases - however old - are still considered to have
> their last-assigned judge (judges are not "removed" when a case is
> closed). This is true both before and after this proposal].
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8135
> Title: Blot Decay (Reprise)
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: twg
> Co-authors: D Margaux
> Amend Rule 2555 to replace:
> “If a player has neither gained blots nor expunged any blots from emself
> in the current Agoran week, e CAN expunge 1 blot from emself by
> announcement.”
> With:
> “At the end of each Agoran week, 1 blot is automatically expunged from each
> impure player who that week had not gained any blots.”
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8136
> Title: I hate myself
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: V.J. Rada
> Co-authors:
> Rules or Instruments to the contrary notwithstanding, this proposal
> shall act as though its text is the text submitted to a public forum and
> clearly marked "Memes submission" by the last person to vote FOR it.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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