On Mon, 2018-07-16 at 08:14 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> Oh sorry, Aris's is deeply-hidden in the distribution message.  Bad Aris.
> (that goes beyond my personal bounds for ambiguity, but I'm not the officer
> so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

We should probably legislate a standard for this. A successful scam I
perpetrated many years ago worked on the basis of an intent buried in
the depths of the Registrar report, so we should probably have some
clear legal basis on when an announcement / public statement is too
hidden to be effective. (Admittedly, the scam in question was related
to a Registrar power, so it wasn't quite a maximally inappropriate
place to put it, but submitting proposals is related to a Promotor
power, so…)


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