It's on the blacklist again right now FWIW, and I'm not
receiving email.
The blacklist blocks via spamtrap email addresses, so presumably one of
them got on a list somehow (vandals?) or otherwise Comex's server is
infested with spam malware.
On Sun, 15 Jul 2018, Ørjan Johansen wrote:
I got a local NVG admin to look at this, and apparently the Agora list server
keeps getting intermittently on the blacklist.
(Perhaps unrelatedly, my admin also suggested it should get a reverse DNS
Sadly the local fix he applied isn't quite working for me yet, as I'm still
missing most Agora mail from yesterday and the day before.
On Wed, 11 Jul 2018, Ørjan Johansen wrote:
My email from the list keeps intermittently bouncing, and a-d and a-b got
disabled for me. Again. Looking at the archive subject lines, it seems to
happen whenever there's a day with particularly active discussion.
I don't know why, since I cannot see the bounce messages, so I cannot take
steps to try to correct it. And comex hasn't responded, I suppose he might
be on vacation or something.
I have only this one ordinary email account (it's older than Agora so I'm
pretty attached to it), but I've tried sending a few messages to myself
from a different place (the Esolang wiki) to see if the problem is a
general one on my end, and none of those messages bounced.