On Thu, 15 Feb 2018, Alex Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 2018-02-14 at 15:24 -0800, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> > Yes, expensive proposals are a paradigm shift to what you're used to.
> > 
> > We played like that (even more expensive, actually) from 2001-2005 or
> > so.  It worked fine.  I would like to try it again and not have it
> > sabotaged out of the gate.  So I won't argue that it breaks things
> > or doesn't.  It's a gameplay choice that I hope people will try out
> > for a bit before instant-repeal.
> Perhaps we should have some way to make a profit if the proposal passes
> (especially with a high VI). Typo fixes tend to be uncontroversial, so
> if you get refunded with extras once the typo fix passes, you'd have an
> incentive to make it in the first place even with fees for the
> proposal.

I was definitely thinking that once the shinies -> coins stabilized we 
might tweak things like this!

I went back to a 2002 ruleset to see how we coped with a low supply:

- Basic supply was less than 1/person/month, in range of 3-6 total
   auctioned off monthly).  So much lower than current - choosing the
   exact # was a privilege of the Promotor, so e could control supply. A
   random glance at a report showed 28 Pend Tickets (papyri) total in the
   game, for 16 players.

- Without Objection as an alternate route. I don't remember anyone
   squatting and refusing to let bugfixes through, though of course there
   were objections and resulting discussions about individual proposals.
   I actually liked the legislative-style action when someone objected,
   had a discussion or a tweak was made, then the objection was removed.

- Some free pending based on Officeholding and other roles, varied over
   time, but at a guess ~1/3 of players could get in a freebie each week.

- Proposals were distributed based on their pend status exactly at the
   beginning of the week.  So there could be even more delays if you
   missed the window.

- Proposals could be expedited for 2xCost (so the urgent proposals
   Alexis mentions were actually more expensive).

- Rewards, but not necessarily straight proposal for proposal (included
   points, other currencies at times).

- "New" players would get their fee back if their proposal passed
   (to encourage new players to propose, or give them an economic
   boost by selling).

- In the opposite direction, as a defensive move for 2xCost you could
   switch a proposal back to not pending.

IIRC, I felt at the time that I had to be careful and not pend proposals 
willy-nilly, but I didn't feel continuously restricted by the barrier 
either (but then I joined the game under that system so I didn't have
a time of nearly-free proposals for comparison).

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