On Thu, 11 Jan 2018, Reuben Staley wrote:
> The main reason I'm not doing much for the game is because nothing much is
> happening, but I would also take a crack at any position to keep Agora
> alive. Besides, it's an inactive period so it wouldn't be that hard.
> Although once I stop being lazy and finish PAoaM I'll probably have to give
> up any additional positions to take up Cartographor.

I'd encourage you to do so or just say you're dropping it.  I backed
off major reforms for a couple months "waiting" for this because you've
claimed it as yours - so that specific (minor) part of the inactivity is
that long drafting process and is a little frustrating.  Better to just 
throw it out there to vote on at this point - you've probably got all
the input you're going to get until the inevitable killer bug is pointed
out while it's being voted on :).

In fact, to encourage this, I'm going to put my simpler, competing
"strip it all down" proposal in the pool by this Sat.  If yours goes
in, I'm happy for mine to be voted down (or I'll remove mine from the
pool if I see it in time), but if not we'll have something to move
forward on (unfortunately if mine goes through, you'd have to again 
re-write yours).

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