Hello, is CFJ 3558 "V.J Rada is a Player" still relevant, or has some rule change since then made it impossible to register immediately after deregistering using the method V.J Rada did? I didn't want to CFJ this, as it would presumably take longer to be answered that way. --- Relevant case:
============================== CFJ 3558 ============================== VJ Rada is a player. ======================================================================== Caller: V.J. Rada Judge: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus Judgement: TRUE ======================================================================== History: Called by V.J. Rada: 06 Sep 2017 Assigned to Publius Scribonius Scholasticus: 06 Sep 2017 Judged TRUE by Publius Scribonius Scholasticus: 14 Sep 2017 ======================================================================== Caller's Arguments: The questions raised are 1: Under the strange registration precedents, you can get away with registering with some strange messages. However, "CFJ: I'm a player" w/out more and "Jeff iz hare" are not enough. Which side of the line does my message fall in? 2: The rules state that there is a 30 day time limit before registering "by announcement" and define "by announcement". Does my message, which is likely outside of that definition, allow me to skip the time limit (having last deregistered on 11 August)? ======================================================================== Caller's Evidence: On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 10:00 AM, V.J Rada wrote: > i wish 2 do da playery-playery stuff like da agencies and da votin' > and da ownin' of da money n' all that. i now change my status 2 be > able to do all dat stuff. > > -- > From V.J Rada ======================================================================== Judge's Arguments: I judge this TRUE because VJ Rada failed to make eir registration unambiguous and clear and therefore it was not by announcement and therefore no restrictions were triggered. I will add that the message alone would have been ineffective in causing eir registration and a key element in eir registration was eir taking of actions as if e were a player.