Ah, I suppose it would ve rude of me not to introduce myself; my
(nick)name is Corona, and I've been reading the rules & mail for a

On 11/17/17, Corona <liliumalbum.ag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, is CFJ 3558 "V.J Rada is a Player" still relevant, or has some
> rule change since then made it impossible to register immediately
> after deregistering using the method V.J Rada did? I didn't want to
> CFJ this, as it would presumably take longer to be answered that way.
> ---
> Relevant case:
> ============================== CFJ 3558 ==============================
> VJ Rada is a player.
> ========================================================================
> Caller: V.J. Rada Judge: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus Judgement:
> ========================================================================
> History: Called by V.J. Rada: 06 Sep 2017 Assigned to Publius
> Scribonius Scholasticus: 06 Sep 2017 Judged TRUE by Publius Scribonius
> Scholasticus: 14 Sep 2017
> ========================================================================
> Caller's Arguments: The questions raised are 1: Under the strange
> registration precedents, you can get away with registering with some
> strange messages. However, "CFJ: I'm a player" w/out more and "Jeff iz
> hare" are not enough. Which side of the line does my message fall in?
> 2: The rules state that there is a 30 day time limit before
> registering "by announcement" and define "by announcement". Does my
> message, which is likely outside of that definition, allow me to skip
> the time limit (having last deregistered on 11 August)?
> ========================================================================
> Caller's Evidence: On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 10:00 AM, V.J Rada  wrote:
>> i wish 2 do da playery-playery stuff like da agencies and da votin'
>> and da ownin' of da money n' all that. i now change my status 2 be
>> able to do all dat stuff.
>> --
>> From V.J Rada
> ========================================================================
> Judge's Arguments:
> I judge this TRUE because VJ Rada failed to make eir registration
> unambiguous and clear and therefore it was not by announcement and
> therefore no restrictions were triggered. I will add that the message
> alone would have been ineffective in causing eir registration and a key
> element in eir registration was eir taking of actions as if e were a
> player.

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