Yeah, but that's disputed and has been CFJed. This way I can't get in
trouble for distributing a non-pending proposal.


On Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 3:09 PM Madeline <> wrote:

> It is - Silly Proposals are Official Proposals, which are automatically
> pending.
> On 2017-11-13 10:05, Aris Merchant wrote:
> > If "Backed Out the Door" is not pending, I pend it for 1 AP.
> >
> > -Aris
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 2:52 PM, VJ Rada <> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 9:52 AM, VJ Rada <> wrote:
> >>> I call an AP CFJ w/ the statement: "Alexis's proposal 'Backed Out the
> >>> Door' is a 'truly hideous pun' under rule 1650."
> >>>
> >>> Pretty self-explanatory. I think it does include puns, but that doesn't
> >>> mean it IS a pun.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 8:27 AM, Alexis Hunt <> wrote:
> >>>> Silly Proposal: Backed Out the Door (AI=2, coauthors=Telnaior, ais523,
> >>>> Aris,
> >>>> G.)
> >>>> {{{
> >>>> Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Political Parties", reading as
> >>>> follows:
> >>>>
> >>>>        There are 5 Parties, in order:
> >>>>
> >>>>        - Platonic Isolationists
> >>>>        - New Punchbowl Reformers
> >>>>        - Costume Conservatives
> >>>>        - Substance Use Liberals
> >>>>        - Official Raving Monster Looney Party
> >>>>
> >>>>        Politicians are entities; each Politician has a name and an
> >>>>        associated Party. Politicians exist only as specified by the
> >>>>        rules. Creating, altering, or destroying Politicians is
> secured.
> >>>>
> >>>>        If there are ever fewer than 20 Politicians, then the Clork CAN
> >>>>        and SHALL, by announcement, create a new Politician, specifying
> >>>>        eir Party and name. The Party must be selected at random from:
> >>>>
> >>>>        - If any Party has fewer than 3 Politicans, the Party or
> Parties
> >>>>          with the fewest.
> >>>>        - Otherwise, the Parties with fewer than 5 Politicians.
> >>>>
> >>>> Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Clork", reading as follows:
> >>>>
> >>>>        The Clork (pronounced "clark") is an office. The Clork's weekly
> >>>>        report includes:
> >>>>        - a list of all Politicans with their names and Parties.
> >>>>        - the assignment of Policies to Parties.
> >>>>
> >>>>        The portion of a document purporting to be a Clork's report
> >>>>        containing the above information is self-ratifying.
> >>>>
> >>>> Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Echelon Forms", reading as follows:
> >>>>
> >>>>        A Post is a position which can be held by at most one
> Politician.
> >>>>        Each Politican can hold at most one Post at a time. Each Post
> is
> >>>>        in an Echelon, which has an associated Rank. The Echelons, and
> >>>>        their Posts and Ranks, are as follows:
> >>>>
> >>>>        Chamber of Power (Rank 5):
> >>>>        - Host
> >>>>        Upper Echelon (Rank 3):
> >>>>        - Planner
> >>>>        - Enforcer
> >>>>        - Organizer
> >>>>        - Creep
> >>>>        Row Echelon (Rank 1):
> >>>>        - Schmoozer
> >>>>        - Decorator
> >>>>        - Loner
> >>>>        - Drunk
> >>>>        - Mystery
> >>>>        - Wild One
> >>>>        - Hat Rack
> >>>>
> >>>>        Each Politician who holds a Post is in the Echelon of that
> post;
> >>>>        other Politicians are in the Row-Reduced Echelon, which has
> Rank
> >>>>        0. Likewise, the Rank of a Post or Politician is the Rank of
> their
> >>>>        Echelon.
> >>>>
> >>>>        If a rule provides that a Post can take an action, then the
> >>>>        Advisor of the holder of that Post CAN take that action. If
> there
> >>>>        is no such player, and the Post is required to take that
> action,
> >>>>        then the Clork CAN do it prior to any deadline for its
> >>>>        performance. After a deadline for a Post to perform an action,
> any
> >>>>        player CAN take it.
> >>>> Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Taken Under Advisement", reading as
> >>>> follows:
> >>>>
> >>>>        Advisor is a Politician switch, tracked by the Clork, with
> >>>>        possible values all players and none (default). For each
> >>>>        Politician, Influence over <Politician> is a natural player
> >>>>        switch, tracked by the Clork.
> >>>>
> >>>>        A player CAN, by announcement, spend Favours in a Party to gain
> >>>>        Influence over that Politican, depending on the Politician's
> >>>>        Echelon:
> >>>>        - Chamber of Power: 3 Favours for 2 Influence
> >>>>        - Upper Echelon: 1 Favour for 1 Influence
> >>>>        - Row Echelon: 2 Favours for 3 Influence
> >>>>        - Row-Reduced Echelon: 1 Favour for 2 Influence
> >>>>
> >>>>        If a player has more Influence over a given Politician than any
> >>>>        other player, e can Advise that Politican by announcement.
> When e
> >>>>        does so, if no other player Advises the same Politician later
> in
> >>>>        the same Agoran week, then at the start of the next Agoran
> week,
> >>>>        that player becomes that Politician's Advisor.
> >>>>
> >>>> Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Balloons", reading as follows:
> >>>>
> >>>>        Balloons are a fixed currency, tracked by the Clork, with
> >>>>        ownership restricted to players. Creation or destruction of
> >>>>        balloons is secured.
> >>>>
> >>>>        At the start of each Agoran week, after Advisors are flipped:
> >>>>        - For each player, if e owns more Balloons than e was awarded
> by
> >>>>          this procedure at the start of the previous week, any excess
> >>>>          Balloons are destroyed.
> >>>>        - Each player is awarded Balloons equal to the sum of the
> Ranks of
> >>>>          the Politicians for which e is Advisor.
> >>>>        - The Decorator's Advisor, if any is awarded one additional
> >>>>          Balloon.
> >>>>
> >>>>        A player CAN, by announcement, spend a Balloon e owns to
> increase
> >>>>        eir voting strength on a specified Agoran Decision, other than
> one
> >>>>        with an adoption index of 3 or higher, by 1.
> >>>>
> >>>>        A player CAN, by announcement, spend Balloons equal to the sum
> of
> >>>>        the Ranks of all Posts in order to win the game. Upon doing so,
> >>>>        all eir Influence switches are set to 0.
> >>>>
> >>>> Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Party Favours", reading as follows:
> >>>>
> >>>>        For each Party, there is a currency called Favours in that
> Party.
> >>>>        Ownership of Favours is tracked by the Clork. Ownership of
> Favours
> >>>>        is restricted to players.
> >>>>
> >>>>        A player CAN, by announcement, spend 3 Favours in a single
> Party
> >>>>        to award another player 2 Favours in that Party.
> >>>>
> >>>>        A player CAN, by announcement, spend 3 Favours in a single
> Party
> >>>>        to gain a Favour in another specified Party.
> >>>>
> >>>> Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Retirement", reading as follows:
> >>>>
> >>>>        Stress Level is a natural Politician switch, tracked by the
> Clork.
> >>>>        At the start of each Agoran week, each Politician's Stress
> Level
> >>>>        is increased by eir Rank. If, after this procedure, a
> Politician's
> >>>>        Stress Level is 20 or greater, the Politician announces
> retirement
> >>>>        and is destroyed at the beginning of the following Agoran week.
> >>>>        The Clork SHALL announce this fact in a timely fashion.
> >>>>
> >>>> Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Political Elections", reading as
> >>>> follows:
> >>>>
> >>>>        For each Post, Vote for <Post> is a secured Politician switch
> >>>>        tracked by the Clork, with possible values all Politicians and
> >>>>        undecided (default).
> >>>>
> >>>>        The voting strength of a Politician for a Post is defined as
> >>>>        follows:
> >>>>        - For an election for Host, Politicians have strength equal to
> >>>>          their Rank.
> >>>>        - For an election for an Upper Echelon Post, the Host has
> strength
> >>>>          4, and Upper Echelon Politicians have strength 2.
> >>>>        - For an election for a Row Echelon Post, the Host has
> strength 3,
> >>>>          Upper Echelon Politicians have strength 2, and Row Echelon
> >>>>          politicians have strength 1.
> >>>>        - The Organizer has voting strength 1 greater than e would have
> >>>>          based on the above.
> >>>>
> >>>>        The eligible Politicians in an election for a Post are all
> >>>>        Politicians in the highest non-empty Echelon below that of the
> >>>>        Post up for election. The number of votes cast for an eligible
> >>>>        Politician in an election is the sum of voting strengths for
> that
> >>>>        Post of all Politician voting for em; the number of votes cast
> for
> >>>>        an ineligible Politician is 0.
> >>>>
> >>>>        An election for a Post is resolvable if that Post is vacant,
> there
> >>>>        is a single Politician with the most votes in that election,
> and
> >>>>        either at least four days have passed since either the vacancy
> or
> >>>>        since its previous occupant Announced Retirement, whichever was
> >>>>        first, or if the leader has more votes than the Policitian with
> >>>>        the second-most, plus the total voting strength of all
> undecided
> >>>>        Politicians in that election. When an election for a Post is
> >>>>        resolvable, any player CAN, by announcement, end the election
> and
> >>>>        install the winning Politician (which must be specified or else
> >>>>        the announcement is INEFFECTIVE) into the Post.
> >>>>
> >>>>        If a Post is vacant and either has been so for seven days or
> more
> >>>>        than eleven days have passed since its previous holder
> Announced
> >>>>        Retirement, then the Host CAN and SHALL, in a timely fashion,
> by
> >>>>        announcement end the election and install one of the
> Politicians
> >>>>        with the most votes into the Post.
> >>>>
> >>>>        When an election for a Post ends, all Vote switches for that
> Post
> >>>>        are set to undecided.
> >>>>
> >>>> Enact a new power-1 rule entitled "Party Policy", reading as follows:
> >>>>
> >>>>        There are 5 Policies, in order:
> >>>>
> >>>>        - Justice: interested in seeing justice served
> >>>>        - Efficiency: interested in seeing official duties performed
> >>>>        - Legislation: interested in seeing proposals passed
> >>>>        - Participation: interested in seeing votes cast
> >>>>        - Economy: interested in economic activity
> >>>>
> >>>>        At any time, each Policy is held by exactly one Party. The
> >>>>        assignments must be in cyclic order of their definitions,
> wrapping
> >>>>        from bottom to top. For example, if the Platonic Isolationists
> >>>>        hold Participation as their Policy, then the New Punchbowl
> >>>> Reformers
> >>>>        hold Economy, the Costume Conservatives hold Justice, and so
> on.
> >>>>
> >>>>        At the start of each Agoran month, the Planner CAN and SHALL,
> in a
> >>>>        timely fashion, by announcement, select a new assignment of
> >>>>        Policies to Parties (specifying the Policy of one Party is
> >>>>        sufficient, since it implies the remainder). E CANNOT specify
> >>>>        either of the assignments used in the previous two months.
> >>>>
> >>>> Enact a new power-1 rule entitled "Favour Awards":
> >>>>
> >>>>        The following officers CAN by announcement award Favours in the
> >>>>        listed Parties, but SHALL NOT do so except as required by rule.
> >>>>
> >>>>        - Arbitor and Referee: the Party holding Justice.
> >>>>        - ADoP: the Party holding Efficiency.
> >>>>        - Assessor: the Parties holding Legislation and Participation.
> >>>>        - Clork: all Parties.
> >>>>
> >>>>        When a player judges a CFJ, the Arbitor SHALL, in a timely
> >>>>        fashion, award that player 3 Favours in the Party holding
> Justice.
> >>>>        When a player's Finger-Pointing leads to a Card award, or when
> the
> >>>>        Referee issues Summary Judgement, the Referee shall award a
> Favour
> >>>>        in the Party holding Justice to the responsible player.
> >>>>
> >>>>        Complexity is an office switch, tracked by the ADoP, with
> values 1
> >>>>        (default), 2, and 3. The ADoP CAN, without 2 Objections, set
> the
> >>>>        Complexity of an office. As part of eir weekly duties, the ADoP
> >>>>        SHALL award to each officeholder a number of Favours in the
> Party
> >>>>        holding Efficiency equal to the Complexity of that Office.
> >>>>
> >>>>        Whenever the Assessor resolves an Agoran decision:
> >>>>        - If the decision was to adopt a proposal, and it was ADOPTED,
> e
> >>>>          SHALL immediately award the proposal's author a number of
> >>>>          Favours in the Party holding Legislation equal to the
> proposal's
> >>>>          AI, rounded up.
> >>>>        - For each voter who has not voted on an Agoran decision
> resolved
> >>>>          earlier in the same Agoran week, e SHALL award that player 2
> >>>>          Favours in the Party holding Participaiton.
> >>>>
> >>>>        Any player CAN spend shinies equal to the Favour Value to gain
> a
> >>>>        Favour in the Party holding Economy.
> >>>>
> >>>>        As part of eir weekly duties, the Clork SHALL award, to the
> >>>>        Advisor of a Politician holding one of the below offices, 3
> >>>>        Favours in the corresponding Party:
> >>>>        - Loner: Platonic Isolationists
> >>>>        - Drunk: New Punchbowl Reformers
> >>>>        - Mystery: Costume Conservatives
> >>>>        - Wild One: Substance Use Liberals
> >>>>        - Hat Rack: Official Raving Monster Looney Party
> >>>>
> >>>> Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Post Powers":
> >>>>
> >>>>        The Creep CAN by announcement, but no more than once per Agoran
> >>>>        week, increase eir own Stress Level by 1 in order to increase
> the
> >>>>        Stress Level of another specified Politician by 2.
> >>>>
> >>>>        The Schmoozer CAN by announcement, but no more than once per
> >>>>        Agoran week, change the Party of a specified other Politician
> to
> >>>>        the next Party in order, wrapping around.
> >>>>
> >>>>        The Enforcer CAN, no more than once per week, with Support
> from at
> >>>>        least one other Politician not in the Row-Reduced Echelon,
> remove
> >>>>        a specified Row Echelon Politician from eir Post. E must
> specify
> >>>>        the supporting Politician when doing so, or it is INEFFECTIVE.
> >>>>        Upon doing so, both the Enforcer and supporting Politician's
> >>>>        Stress Levels are increased by 1.
> >>>>
> >>>> Set the Complexities of the offices as follows:
> >>>> - ADoP: 2
> >>>> - Agronomist: 1
> >>>> - Arbitor: 2
> >>>> - Assessor: 3
> >>>> - Clork: 2
> >>>> - Fearmongor: 1
> >>>> - Herald: 1
> >>>> - Notary: 2
> >>>> - Prime Minister: 1
> >>>> - Promotor: 2
> >>>> - Referee: 2
> >>>> - Registrar: 2
> >>>> - Regkeepor: 1
> >>>> - Reportor: 1
> >>>> - Rulekeepor: 3
> >>>> - Speaker: 1
> >>>> - Surveyor: 1
> >>>> - Tailor: 1
> >>>> - Treasuror: 3
> >>>>
> >>>> Amend rule 2497, Floating Value, by appending "- Favour Value: 1/10th
> of
> >>>> the Floating Value, rounded up." to the list of Derived Floating
> Values.
> >>>>
> >>>> Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Get This Party Started", reading as
> >>>> follows:
> >>>>        The Clork CAN, by announcement, and SHALL, in a timely fashion
> >>>>        after this rule is enacted:
> >>>>        - Create 20 Politicians, 4 in each Party, specifying their
> names;
> >>>>        - Increase each Politician's Stress Level by twice eir Rank;
> >>>>        - Assign one Politician to each Post, chosen at random;
> >>>>        - Randomly assign Policies to Parties (obeying the cyclic order
> >>>>          restriction); then
> >>>>        - Cause this rule to repeal itself.
> >>>>
> >>>>        Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, while this rule is in
> >>>>        effect, it provides the only mechanism by which Politicians
> can be
> >>>>        created, Posts or Policies assigned, Stress Levels changed.
> >>>>        Moreover, rules to the contrary notwithstanding, Favour cannot
> be
> >>>>        created.
> >>>>
> >>>> Install Telnaior as Clork.
> >>>> }}}
> >>>>
> >>>> I made a few small revisions, but left bigger things for later
> work/when
> >>>> this gets proposed when the rest of the economy settles down.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>>  From V.J. Rada
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >>  From V.J. Rada

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