>    Action Cost is a player switch, with possible values of triangular
>    numbers, and default value of 1. At the beginning of every month,
>    every player's Action Cost is set to 1.

I’m concerned about the burden this places on the Registrar to track and report 
these values, especially as the Registrar is not otherwise responsible for 
observing shiny flow.

> Assign a random Type to each existing Estate such that no there are not
> more than two more of any type than any other type.

I can’t put my finger on why, but a proposal with a random outcome deeply 
concerns me. I’d almost prefer that this enacted a rule allowing and requiring 
the Surveyor to assign things randomly, and allowing itself to be repealed when 
no longer useful.

Proposals are powerful, and having their result not be completely predictable 
makes me itch, I guess.

> Enact a new Power 1 rule titled "Decorative Totems" with the following
> text:
>    Decorative Totems are an asset. The Treasuror is the recordkeepor of
>    Decorative Totems. The owner of a Decorative Totem can destroy it by
>    announcement to increase or decrease the karma of a specified player.

Might as well add a clause balancing karma, since the Herald will have to 
balance karma fairly promptly anyways. Note that the Community Chest is 
currently not an Agoran Institution…

> Enact a new Power 1 rule titled "Griots" with the following text:
>    Griots are an asset. The Treasuror is the recordkeepor of Griots. The
>    owner of a Griot can destroy it by announcement to submit a CFJ or
>    pend a proposal without paying.

Specifying this twice (here and in the CFJ rule, and here and in the proposal 
pending rule) feels weird.

> Create a new Power 1 rule titled "Stamp Collections" with the following
> text:
>    A Collection is any three stamps fitting some condition. A Collection
>    has a Value, and CAN be destroyed by announcement to create that
>    value in shinies.
>    A Set is a Collection where all stamps are of the same Series. A set
>    has a value equal to three time the sum of the values of the stamps
>    in it.

Typo: “three time” -> “three times"

>    A Run is a Collection where all stamps are of different Series. A run
>    has a value equal to the sum of the values of the stamps in it.
>    A player MAY destroy any Collection e owns by announcement to create,
>    in eir possession, the Collection's Value in shinies.
>    When the Treasuror publishes eir weekly report, e SHALL destroy
>    any Collections any player owns to create, in that player's
>    possession, the Collection's Value in shinies.


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