Nice idea. This phrase shows up way too much in the ruleset.


On Nov 3, 2017 11:27 AM, "Kerim Aydin" <> wrote:

> On Fri, 3 Nov 2017, Nic Evans wrote:
> > You need to clean up the MMI here. You have MAY without CAN, and SHALL
> without CAN, and CAN/SHALL without a mechanism.
> What do you think of the following MMI addition:
>      9.  If a Rule states that an entity WILL do something, it is
> equivalent
>          to stating that e CAN do it (by announcement unless another method
>          is explicitly specified) and that e SHALL do it (in a timely
> manner
>          unless another time limit is explicitly specified).
> (there are quite a few places this would replace a whole line of rule text
> with a single word).

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