The second draft is done!
It's now split into multiple rules, is generally a lot easier to
understand, and it's wrapped.

I also abolished Agoran Auctions and Contractual Auctions and made
there just be 1 type of auction, and allowed rules and contracts to
auction whatever they want. I also amended Estate Auctions to fit with
this proposal.

Title: Auctions v2
Author: ATMunn
Co-author(s): Aris, nichdel, G.
AI: 2

In this draft, numbers enclosed in square brackets (e.g. [1], [2], [3],
etc.) indicate footnotes which are written at the bottom. These will
not be in the final proposal.


Create a power-2 rule titled "Auctions"
        An Auction is a way for entities to give away items in exchange for
        Shinies. Any rule or contract may permit (or require) auctions to
        be initiated.
        Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, all auctions must have all
        of the following, otherwise the initiation is INVALID:
                * An Auctioneer,
                * An auction announcer,
                * A lot or lots of items to be auctioned off,
                * And a starting bid.

Create a power-1 rule titled "Lots"
        A lot of items is an item or set of items that will be auctioned
        off together. The specific interpretation of "item" for an auction
        shall be specified by the rule or contract permitting the auction's
        initiation. However, assets are always valid items to be auctioned.
        A single lot of items can only contain one type of item. If
        multiple lots of items are being auctioned off, the auction's
        announcer SHALL specify whether all of the lots are to be auctioned
        as one, or separately. If the lots are to be auctioned separately,
        then players bidding on the auction may bid on any one of, or
        multiple of, the lots.

Create a power-1 rule titled "The Auctioneer"
        The Auctioneer of an auction is the entity that initiates an
        auction, and describes all of the specifics of an auction. All
        rules or contracts permitting auctions to be initiated should
        specify an entity to be Auctioneer. If no Auctioneer is specified,
        it defaults to Agora for rule-defined auctions, and the contract
        permitting the initiation for contracts-defined auctions. Contracts
        SHALL NOT[1] specify an entity as Auctioneer of any auction if that
        entity is not the contract or a party of the contract. The
        Auctioneer also must, at the initiation of the auction, be able to
        give away all items it is auctioning, otherwise the initiation is

Create a power-1 rule titled "The Auction Announcer"
        The announcer of the initiation of an auction is known as the
        auction's announcer. The announcer must be a person. If the
        Auctioneer of an auction is a player, then that player is also the
        announcer of the auction. Otherwise, the rule or contract
        permitting the initiation of the auction must define its announcer.
        Contracts SHALL NOT[1] specify a person as auction announcer of any
        auction if that person is not a party of the contract.

Create a power-1 rule titled "Auction Initiation"
        When an auction is to be initiated, the announcer of the auction
        SHALL, in a timely fashion, announce the initiation of the auction.
        In the same message, the announcer SHALL specify the Auctioneer,
        the lot or lots of items being auctioned, and the starting bid, or
        the announcement is INEFFECTIVE. If there are multiple lots of
        items being auctioned, the announcer SHALL also, in the same
        message, specify whether they are to be auctioned together or
        separately as described above. An auction can only be initiated as
        described by the rule or contract that permitted it.

Create a power-1 rule titled "Bidding"
        Once an auction is initiated, any player CAN bid on the auction by
        announcement, specifying the amount of shinies e bids.
        The above statement notwithstanding, if a contract specifies that
        only its party members can bid on an auction, then players who are
        not parties of that contract CANNOT bid on the auction. Players may
        bid multiple times. The amount bid on an auction must be higher
        than the starting bid and all previous bids, otherwise the bid is
        INEFFECTIVE. An attempt to bid on an auction that has already ended
        is INEFFECTIVE. If the auction has multiple lots and they are to be
        auctioned separately, then the bidder SHALL specify the lot e is
        bidding on.

Create a power-1 rule titled "Auction End"
        If, at any time, no bids have been made on an auction in the last
        72 hours, or it has been 7 days since the initiation of an auction,
        the auction ends and no more bids can be made.
        Once the auction has ended, the auction's announcer SHALL announce
        the end of the auction in a timely fashion. In the same message, e
        SHALL include the a list of all the bids on each lot, and the
        winner of each lot. Afterwards, any players who won any lots in the
        auction SHALL pay the Auctioneer in shinies equal to eir highest
        bid. The Auctioneer then MUST give away the auctioned items to the
        players who won and have transferred em the appropriate amount of
        shinies. If the Auctioneer is not a person, then any player CAN
        cause the Auctioneer to do the above by announcement.[2]
        If an auction ends while it is terminable, and any attempts to
        terminate it have failed, then the auction's announcer SHALL
        terminate it in a timely fashion.
Create a power-1 rule titled "Auction Termination"
        An auction is terminable if and only if it is in progress and the
        Auctioneer is incapable of giving away the auctioned items. If an
        auction is terminable, then any player CAN terminate the auction
        with notice. Once an auction is terminated, the player who
        terminated announces the termination, and the auction ends with
        no winners.

Amend rule 2491, "Estate Auctions" to read in full:
        At the start of each month, if Agora owns at least one Estate, then
        an auction for one of those estates is initiated.
        For this auction, the Auctioneer is Agora, the auction announcer is
        the Surveyor, the auctioned lot is one of the Estates owned by
        Agora (chosen by the Surveyor), and the starting bid is 1 shiny.

[1] I do actually want this one to be ILLEGAL, not IMPOSSIBLE. It's not
necessarily game-breaking if a non-party entity is Auctioneer or
auction announcer but it sure sounds ILLEGAL to me.
[2] Is "the above" specific enough?

I'm much more happy with this draft than the last one. It still has
problems, I'm sure, but it looks much nicer to me.

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