Title: A Reward for Obedience Author: ATMunn Co-Author(s): AI: 1 Create a new power-1 rule titled "Badges of Honor" { Badges of Honor are an indestructible, player-owned asset. The Referee is the recordkeepor for Badges of Honor.
At the beginning of every Agoran month, the Referee CAN and SHALL award a Badge of Honor to any one player who is eligible for a Badge of Honor, if there are any. It is IMPOSSIBLE for the Referee to award more than one Badge of Honor in an Agoran month. A player is eligible for a Badge of Honor if all of the following statements are true: * E has made at least 1 action in the last Agoran month. * E does not have negative Karma. * In the last Agoran month, e has not had a Card issued to em. * In the last Agoran month, e has not had eir Finger Pointing found Shenanigans. * In the last Agoran month, e has not broken any of eir pledges. If, at any time, any player has 6 or more Badges of Honor, and e has not won via this rule previously, e can win the game by announcement. } I thought this would be a nice, simple way to reward players who are "obedient" without being too overpowered. I'm sure it has flaws though, so that's why I'm posting it as a prototype first. Also, there's a few things I'm not really sure I'm completely happy with. First thing: I'm not exactly sure how to word what a Badge of Honor *is*. I think I did it right, but I'm not sure. Second thing: I don't really know what office should keep track of and award these. My initial thought was the Referee, since e already keeps track of cards and such. Third thing: I don't really know how the whole Karma system works, since it's quite new. Should I even bother including it? Last thing: Is it necessary to include "In the last Agoran month, e has not broken any of eir pledges"? I think you can be issued a card for breaking a pledge, right?