A little note on the all-caps words we use all the time:

CAN, POSSIBLE - the action is possible. For example, any player CAN vote on a 
proposal by announcement. 
MAY - doing so is not banned. This is often used to clarify something or make 
an exception to another rule. For example, normally you need to have broken the 
rules to get a card, but the Prime Minister MAY issue one for any reason. Note 
that MAY does not allow you to perform an action that would otherwise be 
IMPOSSIBLE, just one that is ILLEGAL. 
SHALL, MUST - players can be punished for not doing so. For example, most 
officers MUST publish a report on a regular basis. 
SHOULD, ENCOURAGED - a recommendation with no legal force. People may get 
annoyed at you, but that’s about it. 

CANNOT, IMPOSSIBLE - attempts to do so don’t work. For example, players CANNOT 
change the rules except by as permitted by the rules. 
SHALL NOT - attempts to do so may work, but you can be punished. For example, 
players SHALL NOT violate pledges. 
SHOULD NOT - same as SHOULD. You can do it, but people might be annoyed at you. 


> On Sep 24, 2017, at 10:21 AM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> It's in Rule 1728 and 2124, but those rules are a little confusingly
> written.
> If the rules say you can do something "with N support", then you make
> an "announcment of intent" announcing what you intend to do, and you
> have to say you need N support to do it (if N isn't specified, it 
> defaults to 1).
> Then, when N or more people publish something that says they support
> you doing it, you say something like "having gotten N support, I do
> this."
> "Without N objections" is the opposite.  You post the intent, saying
> you'll do it Without N objections.  There's then a 4 day waiting
> period.  If fewer than N people have announced that they Object in
> that time, then you can say "having received fewer then N objections,
> I do this".  Again N defaults to 1.
> Finally there's an "with N Agoran Consent" option which is like a
> mini-election, after 4 days the ratio of Supporters/Objectors must
> exceed N.
> Support and objections an also be withdrawn.
> You're supposed to list your supporters/objectors when you do the
> action, but that's enforced with a SHOULD and hardly anyone ever does, 
> and shorthand is used a lot.
>> On Sun, 24 Sep 2017, Cuddle Beam wrote:
>> Yeah.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: ATMunn . <iamingodsa...@gmail.com>
>> Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2017 at 17:37
>> Subject: Re: DIS: Various questions
>> To: Agora Nomic discussions (DF) <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org>
>> I see.
>> When something says that you can do something "with support," does that mean 
>> that you say you're going to do something, people decide whether or not to 
>> support you, and if there's enough support it
>> happens?
>> On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 10:48 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus 
>> <p.scribonius.scholasti...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>      ----
>>      Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>>      p.scribonius.scholasti...@gmail.com
>>> On Sep 24, 2017, at 10:41 AM, ATMunn . <iamingodsa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> A few more questions about offices:
>>> When do elections happen? Just whenever the ADoP feels like starting one?
>>      Whenever someone starts one with either support, vacancy, or the 
>> expiration of 90 days.
>>> How exactly does deputisation work? Do you just say "I deputize for this 
>>> office" and if nobody objects, you get the office? The rule on that is 
>>> kinda tricky to understand.
>>      You fulfill an obligation that they should have done and declare it as 
>> deputisation and then you get the office.
>>> On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 4:31 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 23 Sep 2017, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus wrote:
>>>> The catching up since that last holders is the hardest part, when I took
>>>> over the office of Registrar, I had to go back at least five years,
>>>> updating records.
>>> Just in the specific Tailor case, I was thinking all of the recent doubt
>>> over the Apathy and Tournament wins and CuddleBeam's speaker thing makes
>>> it pretty unclear which recent Ribbon awards were valid unless you were
>>> following along...

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