I've put together a list of various different questions I have. I don't
expect all of them to get answered, but feel free to answer any that you


What is the whole "floating value" thing? What determines it, and what does
it do? It's not really clear in the rules.

In regards to
On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 11:35 AM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:

> * Write a proposal that is impossible to vote against.

How would you actually do that? I'm just curious, I don't intend on doing

What exactly is an Agoran Decision? Is it just a thing that people vote on?

I've had a few people suggest running for an office as something I could do
as a new player. How would I go about doing that, and what office(s?)
should I run for?

Do Trust Tokens do anything other than give you the slim potential of
winning if everyone gives you one?

Could someone summarize PSS's banking proposal? It seems interesting, but
also quite complex.


Those are all the questions I have at the moment. If I think of more, I may
put them here.

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