On Wed, 6 Sep 2017, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus wrote:
> Good point. Given the lack of a SHALL, no requirement was unfulfilled 
> and he didn’t take the office. If you want to CFJ this, you can, but 
> it seems clear to me.

Read the rules pls.  The SHALL requirement is in R649:
                                                            A person
       permitted and enabled to award (revoke) a Patent Title SHALL do
       so in a timely fashion after the conditions authorizing em to do
       so are announced, unless there is an open judicial case
       contesting the validity of those conditions.

Note there is some unclarity into what happens to the SHALL if there
was an open case, but it's closed now.

[Also:  I'm a bit surprised at someone holding an office for a while
being unfamiliar with their sole job with that office...]

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