Yes, but the Arbitor could then CFJ "I've gotten Pink Slipped" and judge it

What would happen then?

(I believe CFJs supercede what people percieve things to be - for example,
if you think that something should be interpreted one way and me another,
if a CFJ to solve it appears and it falls in your favor, I would need to
act with necessary hypocrisy (I dont have a better word for it, where
"behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel") and act
from then on as if the gamestate was according to the CFJ's verdict, due to
the perspectivism there is on Agora's reality. The idea is to subject
everyone to that hypocrisy via (troll, but valid, due to perspectivism,
except nobody is the holder of that perspective. And even then, nothing
stops people from being dishonest in Judgements anyway, there just wouldn't
be any lulling of the audience via rhethoric in the troll case) CFJs.
Although, it feels like I shouldn't be able to.)

On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 12:57 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus <> wrote:

> A pink slip is issued to you and someone takes your spot.
> ----
> Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> > On Jul 8, 2017, at 6:24 AM, Cuddle Beam <> wrote:
> >
> > What would happen in the following case (and has it been tried before?)
> >
> > I'm Arbitor for example, and then CFJ "I've achieved victory and won
> every ribbon" and then assign it to myself and judge it as TRUE, for bogus
> reasons.
> >
> > I'd likely get that challenged and get carded, but what if I then CFJ
> "There is no reconsideration/Moot/etc applicable to that CFJ and no
> applicable cards, nor have any cards been granted to Cuddlebeam lol" and
> then assign it to myself and judge it as TRUE.
> >
> > But then someone could say, "Yeah, that's silly, what about ' an
> absurdity that can be concluded from the assumption that a stateme-'"
> >
> > SHUSH! I as Arbitor CFJ "There is absurdity in my CFJs and Judgements"
> and then I assign it to myself and judge it as FALSE! because PANCAKES.
> >
> > "...."
> >
> > "You're not treating Agora Good Right For-"
> >
> > SHUSH! I as Arbitor CFJ "Cuddlebeam is treating Agora Right Good Forever
> extremely well" and then I assign it to myself and judge it as TRUE!
> because MORE PANCAKES.
> >
> > etc etc etc
> >
> > Basically use the power that CFJs have to alter the gamestate to enforce
> any gamestate you want and if someone tries to stop you - CFJ it away.
> Would be absurd, yeah but, CFJ: "is it absurd?"... FALSE.
> >
> >
> >

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