On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 1:17 PM, omd <c.ome...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Proto: Buy low, sell high (AI=2)
> Create a Power-1 Rule titled "Stocks":
>       The following Stocks exist:
>       Abbr.  Name
>       -----  ----
>       CFJ    Collaborative Finance Journal
>       PDF    Power Dance & Fitness
>       PGP    Pineapple Growers' Partnership
>       RR     Renascent Ribbons
>       WGS    Wright Goods & Services
> Create a Power-1 Rule titled "Properties of Stocks":
>       For each Stock, Holdings of that Stock is a player switch whose
>       value is a nonnegative integer, default 0.
>       Intrinsic Value is a Stock switch whose value is a nonnegative
>       integer, default 1.
>       Market Value is a Stock switch whose value is a nonnegative
>       multiple of 0.2, default 1.
>       The Brokor is an office; its holder tracks all switches defined
>       in this rule.
> Create a Power-1 Rule titled "Buying and Selling":
>       A player CAN Buy a specified Stock by announcement: the Stock's
>       Market Value is increased by 0.2, e pays Agora the new Market
>       Value in shinies, rounded down, and eir Holdings of that Stock
>       increase by 1.
>       A player CAN Sell a specified Stock by announcement: the Stock's
>       Market Value is decreased by 0.2, Agora pays em the *previous*
>       Market Value in shinies, rounded down, and eir Holdings of that
>       stock decrease by 1.
>       The above notwithstanding, a player CANNOT Buy or Sell if one of
>       the component actions would fail (including Selling with 0
>       Holdings).
> Create a Power-1 Rule titled "Turning the Crank":
>       Turning the Crank (which SHOULD be performed weekly, see below)
>       causes each Stock's Intrinsic Value to change according to a
>       Random Decision as follows:
>       Chance  Result
>       ------  ------
>          35%  Move by 2 in the direction of Market Value.
>          30%  Move by 4 in the direction of Market Value.
>          30%  Move by 2 in the opposite direction of Market Value.
>           5%  Reduce by 50%, rounding up.
>       (Moving by X in the direction of Market Value means increasing
>       by X if less than it, or decreasing by X if more than it, even
>       if the result overshoots; vice versa for moving in the opposite
>       direction.)
>       Furthermore, it increases each player's Balance by the sum of,
>       for each Stock, eir Holdings of that Stock times its Weekly
>       Dividend, rounded up after the final sum.  A Stock's Weekly
>       Dividend is equal to half its Intrinsic Value.
>       Cranks Needed is an integer Agora switch, tracked by the Brokor,
>       initially 0.  At the beginning of every week, Cranks Needed goes
>       up by 1, to a maximum of 3.  When Cranks Needed is greater than
>       0, the Brokor CAN Turn the Crank by announcement.  In a given
>       Agoran Week, the Broker SHALL Turn the Crank until Cranks Needed
>       is 0.
> Create a Power-2 Rule titled "Random Decisions":
>       The rules may define a process initiated by announcement to
>       include a Random Decision, specifying a range of possible
>       results and associated probabilities.  This means that the
>       person CAN select any of the possible results by announcement in
>       the same message as initiating the process, and CANNOT initiate
>       the process without doing so.  Furthermore, e SHALL make the
>       selection randomly, following the associated probabilities and
>       independently from any other random decisions, using a method
>       that allows any other player to reasonably verify e has done so
>       correctly (e.g. dice server).

I generally like this proposal. However, the holdings of stocks might
be better framed as assets, as they are a form of property. Have you
seen the assets proposal? It's resolution is overdue, and I think it
avoids many problems to define things centrally.


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