On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 4:47 PM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
> Dividends should probably be paid out of some fund or out of Agora’s balance, 
> or come with an automatic Shiny Relevelling Event, or something. This would 
> also mean that there would be a limit on how many Shinies can be Cranked Out. 
> Otherwise, it creates net new Shinies.
> If we want it to create net new Shinies, we should rework the Economics rules 
> to handle that.

Oh, right.  I'll fix that to just have Agora pay (although I also need
to see what Publius comes up with).  I guess the Supply should be
bumped up a bit, too; this proto is intended to start slow but let
players accumulate a lot of Shinies over time, maybe culminating in a
win/reset eventually (would be left for a future proposal).

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