On Wed, 14 Jun 2017, Alex Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 2017-06-14 at 09:42 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> > No, I'm not missing it.  It's literally a claim that there was an error, and
> > e did so.   So e expressed a doubt through the method of claiming there was 
> > an error
> > which is exactly what the rule says the method consists of (claim of error 
> > isn't
> > even capitalized, while capitalization is generally inconsequential, it's 
> > support
> > for it being a naturalistic thing that is done naturally by a claim that 
> > there is
> > an error, not a term of art).
> Do you think a CFJ that points out an error in a report would thus also
> be a CoE, then (and thus create a duty to decline, correct, create a
> CFJ, or cite a CFJ; I assume you'd just cite the CFJ that was just
> made)?

Sorry, I see this has already been settled in your argument's favor by CFJ 
As this conversation might show, I would have put Judge Sherlock's 
argument on the other side, as I've seen that used scammily, but I'll respect
that judgement.

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