DoggleBoon posted the following:

which directly purported to be the Judgement on 3509.  E listed the wrong 
but that should not distract from a clear expression of 3509: DISMISS being 

Now, in the context of things like Rule Changes, mixing an ID# and a title may 
disqualifyingly ambiguous.  But for Judgements, as we've said, sometimes the 
may clarify a statement to judge the actual issue at hand.

So here, it reads (to me) as if e returned a valid Judgement 3509, while 
modifying the
statement to answer a different question, which is allowed (if likely to be 

On Tue, 13 Jun 2017, CuddleBeam wrote:

> This may help: 
> >On Mon, 2017-05-22 at 19:20 -0700, Gaelan Steele wrote:
> >> I CFJ on these statements:
> >> 
> >> “Any player may take the office of Rulekeepor with 2 support.” [i.e.
> >> I got a pink slip]
> >> “o committed a cardable offense in issuing a Pink Slip to Gaelan.” 
> >> 
> >> I bar o from both CFJs.
> >These are CFJ 3508 and CFJ 3509 respectively. I assign them to
> >CuddleBeam.
> 3509 is “o committed a cardable offense in issuing a Pink Slip to Gaelan.”  
> which is the tit for tat CFJ which I won't give Judgement on because I won't 
> engage in that even if clever use of the rules com
> mand me to.
> 3508 was TRUE back then. Now in the current context, it FALSE.

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