Proto Organization: 'Bing Bong'

[Organization standard stuff]

There exists a game master, originally the creator of this organization.

If a game of Bing Bong is not ongoing, a game of Bing Bong can be started
with 24 hours notice.

At the beginning of the game of Bing Bong each player SHALL pay the
organization 1 Shiny.

At the beginning of a game of Bing Bong the set of players of the game of
Bing Bong is the set of members of this org.

No player may join the org while a game is ongoing.

A game starts with a list of players, to be treated as a circular array,
with the game master in the first position, and a direction, Bing or Bong.

When a player is in the first position of this list, they have 24 hours to
publicly declare, within the Game Thread either Bing or Bong.

If a player declares Bing then the array shifts left.

If a player declares Bong then the array shifts right.

If a player doesn't declare Bing or Bong in 24 hours then they are removed
from the list, and the array shifts in such a way as if the player had
declared Bing.

When there is only 1 player left, that player gets a point.

When the organization has enough shinies to buy a stamp, it does, and
awards it to the player with the most points at that time - at that point
all players points reset to 0.

On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 12:00 PM Nic Evans <> wrote:

> I submit the following proposal:
> Title: Organization Integration and Stamp Collecting
> AI: 1.2
> Author: nichdel
> Co-author(s):
> Amend "Organizations" by replacing the second, third, and fourth
> paragraphs with:
>    Players may become members of an organization by announcement as
>    specified by the charter of the organization. Players may stop being
>    a member of an organization by announcement.
>    An organization may cause any player to stop being a member as
>    specified in its charter.
> [Remove Budget and make org membership more flexible.]
> Amend "Death and Birth of Organizations to read, in full:
>    The Administrative Fee is 5 shinies.
>    An organization is "In Bad Standing" if it a) has no members or b)
>    was not created this month and has not paid the Administrative Fee to
>    Agora.
>    If an organization is In Bad Standing for more than 7 days, then any
>    player CAN destroy it by announcement, and the Secretary SHALL do so
>    in a timely fashion if the situation persists.
>    Any player CAN create an Organization by announcement by paying the
>    Administrative Fee to Agora and specifying a name for the
>    Organization that is unique among Organizations and a Charter.
> [Replaces Budget with the Administrative Fee. Combined with giving org's
> more control over their membership, it allows for orgs to raise money
> and pay the fee in whichever way seems appropriate to them. Also removed
> the limits on org membership and creation, because the price should be
> a good enough limiters.]
> Amend "Organization Restructuring" by removing the text "Budget or", and
> removing the paragraph starting with "2.", then changing "3." to "2.".
> [Budget cleanup]
> Enact a power 1 rule titled "Stamps" with the following text:
>    Stamps are a type of asset tracked by the Secretary. Each Stamp is
>    identified by the person or organization that created the Stamp.
>    Stamps created by the same person or organization are fungible.
>    The Stamp Price is always 4 times the current Pending List Price.
>    Once per month any player MAY, by announcement, pay Agora the Stamp
>    Price, in shinies, to create one Stamp in eir possession. Once per
>    month any player MAY, by announcement and as specified by the
>    organization's charter, pay Agora the Stamp Price, in shinies, to
>    create one Stamp in its possession.
>    Any player MAY, by announcement, destroy a specified Stamp in eir
>    possession. Any player MAY, by announcement and as specified by the
>    organization's charter, destroy a specified Stamp in its possession.
>    Whenever an organization or player destroys a Stamp in eir
>    possession, Agora SHALL pay em the Stamp Price.
>    When a player has in eir possession at least one Stamp created by 15
>    different players or organizations then e may win by announcement,
>    specifying each stamp e possesses. When a player does so
>    successfully, all Stamps in eir possession are destroyed.
> [This implements what I described previously. Stamps are both a
> speculative currency, with a changing value month-to-month, and a
> valuable win condition. Also note that with the org changes, a single
> player could create all the Stamps e needs, but it'd be more expensive
> than gaining them via trade due to the Administrative fee.]

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