I have a question. If my distribution failed, did my first pend
succeed, or do I need to re-pend?


On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 1:12 AM, Aris Merchant
<thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [As pointed out on a-d, my original distribution contained incorrect
> text, rendering it invalid. I'm afraid everyone's going to have to
> re-cast their votes. Sorry about the mix-up.]
> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
> Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
> pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, and the
> valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote).
> ID     Author(s)       AI   Title
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> 7823+  Alexis          3.0  Vigilante Justice
> Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending
>         <ID>+ : By publishing this report, I pend the marked proposal
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 7823
> Title: Vigilante Justice
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Alexis
> Co-author(s):
> [This is a proposal to factor out Cards into a number of pieces and
> implement a slightly more fleshed-out justice system.]
> Mutate rule 2426 (Cards)'s power to 2, then amend it to read as follows:
>   A Card is a recognition of a specific violation of the rules or
> other manner of infraction that is awarded to the violator in order to
> draw attention to eir disregard for the rule of law and, depending
> on the type of Card, to impose a penalty.
>   Cards CANNOT be issued except by players by announcement. Any
> attempt to issue a Card, or any intent for a dependent action to issue
> a Card, is INEFFECTIVE if it does not include the following
> information:
>   - The type of Card being issued,
>   - The person to whom the Card is being issued (the bad sport), and
>   - The specific action, inaction of the bad sport giving rise to
>     the Card (the reason).
>   Issuing Cards is secured with power threshold 1.7.
>   The types of Card are defined by the rules. A type of Card may have
> a defined set of circumstances for which it is appropriate, as well as
> a penalty which takes effect when a Card of that type is issued.
> Unless otherwise specified by the rule defining a type of Card, that
> Card type's penalty and circumstances for which it is appropriate are
> secured at the power threshold of that rule.
>   A person SHALL NOT issue a Card unless:
>   - the reason is appropriate for the type of Card being issued;
>   - there has not already been a Card issued for that reason; and
>   - the reason occurred within the 14 days preceding the issuance of
> the Card or, when the Card arises out of any manner of official
> proceeding, the initiation of that proceeding.
> [The main takeaways here are:
> - Issuing a card must be explicit.
> - It's now illegal to issue an incorrect Card or timed-out Card, or
> multiple Cards for the same offense.
> The requirement that Cards be issued by announcement and by players is
> mostly a safety valve, but also to ensure that a Card always has a
> reason attached. Note also that dependent actions are still performed
> in the end by announcement, so this prohibition does not prevent
> dependently issuing a card. ]
> Amend Rule 2451 (Executive Orders) by replacing:
>   - Dive (Referee): The Prime Minister issues a specified Card to a
> specified player. In doing so, the Prime Minister SHOULD cite a
> specific grievance against that player, not necessarily a violation of
> a rule.
> with:
>   - Dive (Referee): The Prime Minister issues a specified Card to a
> specified player. The reason for the card MAY be any grievance held by
> the Prime Minister, not necessarily a violation of the rules, against
> the person to whom the Card is issued.
> [Clarify the interaction of this rule with Cards.]
> Create a new rule with power 0.5 entitled "Green Cards" and reading as 
> follows:
>   A Green Card is a type of Card that is appropriate for minor,
> accidental, and/or inconsequential infraction. A Green Card is also
> appropriate for any infraction for which no other type of Card is
> appropriate. When a person is issued a Green Card, they are ENCOURAGED
> to travel to the United States.
> [Breaking each type of card into its own rule, mainly to allow for cards
> to be defined at different powers without the gymnatics that Red Card
> currently has.]
> Mutate Rule 2427 (Red Cards) to power 2, retitle it to "Yellow Cards",
> and then amend it to read as follows:
>   A Yellow Card is a type of Card that is appropriate either for
> infractions that have a significant, though small, impact on gameplay
> or for infractions for which a Green Card has already been issued.
>   When a Yellow Card is issued, the bad sport SHOULD publish a formal
> apology of at least 200 words explaining eir error, shame, remorse,
> and ardent desire for self-improvement. A player issuing a Yellow Card
> MAY, when doing so, additionally specify up to 10 words to be included
> in the apology. Until e publishes such an apology, as a penalty, the
> bad sport's voting strength on all Agoran decisions initiated within
> 30 days of the Card's issuance is set to 0 after modifiers.
> [A couple changes here. First, renaming red cards to yellow cards to
> make room for a more severe red card. Second, the penalty is now
> imposed by voting strength, to avoid having to go to power 3. Third,
> to make it easier to recordkeep and to make it actually work on voting
> strength, it applies to decisions started within 30 days, rather than
> votes made within 30 days.]
> Amend Rule 2462 (Bankruptcy) by replacing "Red Card" with "Yellow Card".
> Amend Rule 2422 (Voting Strength) by replacing "1 and 5" with "0 and
> 5" and by appending, as a new paragraph:
>   When multiple rules set or modify an entity's voting strength on an
> Agoran decision, it shall be determined by first applying the rule(s)
> which set it to a specific value, using the ordinary precedence of
> rules, and then applying the rules, other than this one, which modify
> it, in numerical order by ID. Finally, if theresult of the calculation
> is not an integer, it is rounded up, and then if it is outside the
> allowable range of values for voting strength, it is set to the the
> minimum value if it was less and the maximum value if it was more.
> [Need to explicitly allow for 0 voting strength. While I'm here, add
> an order of operations
> Amend Rule 2423 (First Among Equalsh) by replacing the second paragraph with:
> The holder of the office of Prime Minister's voting strength is
> increased by 1 on all Agoran decisions to adopt proposals
> or, if the proposal submitted by aranea on Oct 20 entitled "Prime
> Minister Voting Strength" has been adopted, with:
>         The holder of the office of Prime Minister's voting  strength
> is increased by 1 on all Agoran decisions other than a elections of
> the Prime Minister.
> [Clean up the only current modifier to voting strength.]
> Create a new rule with power 2 entitled "Red Cards" and reading as follows:
>   A Red Card is a type of Card that is appropriate for serious and
> deliberate violations of the rules. A Red Card is also appropriate for
> a person who appears to be part of an attempt in bad faith to swarm
> Agora and outpower the regular players in voting strength.
> When a Red Card is issued, as a penalty, within the next 7 days, any
> player CAN once, with 2 Support, Throw the Book at the bad sport. When
> the Book is Thrown at the bad sport, eir voting strength on all Agoran
> decisions initiated during the first Agoran week which begins at least
> four days after the issuance of the Card is reduced by 2.
> [Provide a new serious penalty Card with a real consequence. The 2
> Support valve is intended to prevent abuse, and worded generally to
> avoid loopholes.
> The timing of the penalty applying for an entire Agoran week is to
> line it up more closely with the proposal cycle. The two day gap is a
> scam valve to prevent someone from shutting down the proposal system
> instantly; if they do this, then there is time for the rest of Agora
> to fight back and issue Red Cards to the perpetrators. The result
> would be a rather boring week, but better than leaving the loophole
> alive.
> Finally, note that unlike other cards, this is appropriate only for
> rules violations or flood attempts, so the Prime Minister cannot
> legally issue one for a personal grievance.
> ]
> Create a new rule with power 1 entitled "Pink Slips" and reading as
> follows:
>   A Pink Slip is a type of Card that is appropriate for abuses of
> official power for personal gain. A Pink Slip CANNOT be issued unless
> the reason indicates the specific office or offices whose power was
> abused.
> When a Pink Slip is issued, as a penalty, within the next 7 days, any
> player CAN, with 2 Support, become the holder of one or more of those
> offices still held by the bad sport.
> [Black Card always felt sort of random, so this name is far more
> appropriate I think.]
> Create a new rule with power 1 entitled "The Referee" and reading as follows:
>   The Referee is an office; its holder is responsible for keeping
> track of and adjudicating wrongdoing. The Referee's weekly report
> includes a list of all Cards issued within the past 90 days and the
> reasons therefor, as well as a list of all penalties due to Cards that
> are still in effect.
>   The above notwithstanding, the Referee's report is not required to
> include information about any Green Card issued before this rule was
> enacted. Once 90 days have passed from this rule's enactment, any
> player CAN, by announcement, cause this rule to amend itself by
> deleting this paragraph.
> [The report really should exist as long as outstanding effects can happen.]
> Create a new rule with power 1.7 entitled "Vigilante Justice" and
> reading as follows:
>   A player CAN by announcement, but subject to the provisions of this
> rule, Point eir Finger at a player, citing an alleged violation of
> the rules by that player.
> When a player Points a Finger, the investigator SHALL investigate the
> allegation and, in a timely fashion, SHALL conclude the investigation
> by:
>     - issuing a Card to the pointed-at player by announcement whose
> reason is rooted in the allegation;
>     - if e believes that no rules violation occurred or that it
>       would be ILLEGAL to issue a Card for it, announcing the Finger
> Pointing to be Shenanigans.
>   The Referee is by default the investigator for all Finger Pointing.
> When a Finger, other than the Arbitor's, is Pointed over an allegation
> related to the official duties or powers of the Referee, then the
> Arbitor CAN, by announcement, take over the investigation and thereby
> become the investigator.
> A player CANNOT point a finger more than twice per Agoran week, or
> more than once per Agoran week at the same player.
> [This creates a system by which players can submit allegations to the
> Referee. The Referee is not barred from using the system so as to
> provide scam-safety, but see below.]
> Create a new rule with power 1.7 entitled "Official Justice" and
> reading as follows:
>   The Referee CAN, subject to the provisions of this rule, impose
> Summary Judgment on a player by issuing a card to em by announcement.
>   The Referee CANNOT Point eir Finger or impose Summary Judgment
> more than five total times per week, or more than twice per week at or
> on the same player.
>   As part of the Referee's weekly duties, e SHALL either impose
> Summary Judgment on a player or truthfully announce that e believes
> that there are no rules violations in the preceding Agoran week for
> which a Card has not already been issued.
> [This preserves the original system, with a higher limit for the
> Referee to give em a little more power.]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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