Suppose I send the following message, having sent no previous relevant
messages (i.e. no previously published intent).

    I hereby fast track the following proposal:

    Proposal: Eritivus Regnat
    AI: 4

    Create a new Power-4 Rule titled "Eritivus Regnat":

        Eritivus CAN cause this rule to amend itself by
        announcement. Rule changes by this method need not be subject to
        any review whatsoever, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

The "self-ratifying" clause seems worrisome, because it is not obvious
to me that it requires the conditions in the first paragraph (AI=1, 7
days notice, etc) to be satisfied. If it were

     A message purporting to fast track a proposal constitutes
     self-ratifying claims that such a proposal existed and was fast

then I'd think it clear that such a message can't skip the requirements
(because the ratified fact is that a proposal was fast tracked, and I
think ratification would fail).

But the current

     A message purporting to fast track a proposal constitutes
     self-ratifying claims that such a proposal existed, was adopted,
     and took effect.

seems to declare that the ratified fact is not that a proposal was fast
tracked (regardless of what the message says), but that it was
adopted. Ratification of this fact seems more likely to succeed.

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