Am I reading this wrong or does this allow any proposal to be adopted
with 2 support?  Where's the actual vote count?

On Tue, 21 Oct 2014, omd wrote:

> Proposal: Fast Track (AI=3)
> Create a new Power-3 Rule titled "Fast Tracking":
>       A player CAN, without objection and with 2 support, fast track a
>       given unadopted proposal, so long as the proposal has adoption
>       index 1 and the intent being acted on was published at least 7
>       days earlier.  This causes the proposal to be adopted, as
>       described in other rules.  The proposal is removed from the
>       Proposal Pool if present, and any ongoing decision on whether to
>       adopt it is immediately cancelled (without being resolved).
>       A message purporting to fast track a proposal constitutes
>       self-ratifying claims that such a proposal existed, was adopted,
>       and took effect.
>       All messages containing intents to fast track a proposal SHALL,
>       if technically possible, be submitted with some explicit
>       notation to this effect in their subject lines.  Attempting to
>       obscure such an intent is the Class-8 Crime of Ridering.
> [The minimum time from proposal submission to adoption is currently
> one week, same as in the proposed rule.  But that's if the Promotor
> distributes instantly and the Assessor resolves right after the end of
> the voting period; in practice, the proposal latency is at least twice
> that.  For a long time this has kept Agora going slow.  This is
> arguably a good thing, if it smooths out spikes in activity, but I am
> interested to see what happens if completely uncontroversial proposals
> can get through using a more informal process.  I admit that this has
> the possibility to confuse people by scattering 'votes' through
> multiple threads, but there aren't that many at the moment, and with
> the explicit subject line clause as protection, I honestly want to see
> what happens.
> Incidentally, I submitted a similar proposal some four years ago.  It
> failed due to AGAINST votes only from Murphy and Yally, under a
> non-democratic proposal system.]
> Amend Rule 106 (Adopting Proposals) by removing the second paragraph,
> and changing the first to:
>       When a decision about whether to adopt a proposal is resolved,
>       if the option selected by Agora is ADOPTED, then the proposal in
>       question is adopted.  When a proposal is adopted, unless other
>       rules prevent it from taking effect, its power is set to the
>       minimum of four and its adoption index, and then it takes
>       effect.  Except as prohibited by other rules, a proposal that
>       takes effect CAN and does, as part of its effect, apply the
>       changes that it specifies.  If the proposal cannot make some
>       such changes, this does not preclude the other changes from
>       taking place.  Causing a proposal to be adopted is secured with
>       power threshold equal to its adoption index.
> [The second paragraph is:
>       If there is no Agoran Decision to adopt a particular proposal
>       that has an outcome of ADOPTED, that proposal CANNOT take
>       effect, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.
> This is an old clause which never really did anything other than help
> with a scam at one point.]

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