On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 4:32 PM, Alex Smith <ais...@bham.ac.uk> wrote: > How many of those players are using Gmail's web interface? If it's that > many, I'd be surprised, because web interfaces aren't very good for > email (especially if they go crazy when the subject line of an email > sent to a mailing list gets rewritten, given that most mailing lists > have that functionality).
Gmail's web interface is the best email client I have ever used. Despite my many niggles with it (especially poor performance compared to a native client), I have yet to find a native client that satisfies my needs, including good search and multiple aliases on the same mail account, with undo send as a big plus - though I think I might give sup a try at some point. Anyway, from a quick awk, the following players seem to have sent messages via Gmail's web interface recently: aarongoldf...@gmail.com arkes...@gmail.com ben.dov.schu...@gmail.com charles.w.wal...@gmail.com com...@gmail.com craigbdan...@gmail.com davidni...@gmail.com flameshadowxeros...@gmail.com henrib...@gmail.com james.m.bei...@gmail.com jonatan.kilh...@gmail.com jonathan.rouill...@gmail.com lindartheb...@gmail.com m.sl...@gmail.com maxschutz...@gmail.com netge...@gmail.com penguinoftheg...@googlemail.com ride...@gmail.com sgeos...@gmail.com steven.gard...@monash.edu swe...@mail.gvsu.edu theagoranund...@gmail.com The two players with Gmail addresses and messages in the sample that were not using the web interface are Fool and woggle (both of whom appear to be using Thunderbird).