On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Jul 2013, omd wrote:
>> Hopefully this creates a single obvious meaning for "the time
>> date-stamped on that message" in R478, so we can finally stop arguing
>> about the timing of messages. ;p
> In this case, it's interesting to note that the only people who have
> raised an issue or confusion over time stamps are the people with the
> most to gain in the game from that interpretation.

I do not understand.  As has been noted, the timing of the last-minute
General Election messages does not make much difference in-game,
because the Best Party wins regardless of the validity of your votes,
and scshunt's message was effective even if sent after the end of the
voting period; and of course date munging only applies to future
messages in any case.  The only thing I gain is the ability to send
last-minute messages without having to initiate a court case to
determine their success, which applies equally to everyone (unless I
sent a message directly from the server in the last fraction of a
second, but I would consider that unethical).

> This is exactly the kind of thing that caused problems for the moderator
> of nomic world (Geoff), as e simultaneously made game reality decisions
> on eir own instant judgement, thus exposing emself to charges of
> favoritism.

I apologize if this is perceived, although again, I do not see how I
am favoring anyone.  I was not expecting controversy because I
temporarily enabled this when I became Distributor a month and a half
ago, with more tentative wording in the announcement:

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 12:50 AM, omd <c.ome...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is an experimental feature which I went ahead and implemented,
> but I'd appreciate feedback and will turn it off if desired: all list
> messages are piped through a script which rewrites the Date header to
> be the same as the relevant value from the appropriate Received
> header, for the convenience of recordkeepors.  There has been some
> confusion over the years over which header is canonical -
> http://cfj.qoid.us/707, http://cfj.qoid.us/1646, and other later CFJs
> suggest always using Received, but Murphy argues in both
> http://cfj.qoid.us/2773 and http://cfj.qoid.us/2800 that the Date
> header is to be used when it's within a normal range of the Received
> header - but I assume the latter interpretation exists to keep
> recordkeepors from having to look up headers all the time, not as some
> kind of date choosing service for players, so no harm or rights
> violation should be incurred in making the issue moot by rewriting the
> Date header, allowing the normal datestamp shown in email clients to
> be used for all recordkeeping purposes (unless two messages have
> identical timestamps, as in http://cfj.qoid.us/3076, which remains an
> issue for now).

Although I soon turned it off because I was too busy to fix the Gmail
issue, there were no objections to the feature at the time.  Thus I
did not use that wording this time, but of course I am still willing
to turn it off if desired and will perhaps be more careful in the

As for legislating before adjusting, I was going to submit a proposal,
but it seemed pretty clear to me that what R478 says is sufficient, if
the forum has a canonical date stamp:

      Any action performed by sending a message is performed at
      the time date-stamped on that message.

But sure, conducting an informal poll in advance might indeed have
been a wise move.

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