On Wed, 17 Jul 2013, omd wrote: > Hopefully this creates a single obvious meaning for "the time > date-stamped on that message" in R478, so we can finally stop arguing > about the timing of messages. ;p
In this case, it's interesting to note that the only people who have raised an issue or confusion over time stamps are the people with the most to gain in the game from that interpretation. Despite that, the Distributor has made a distinct decision that may or may not be based on rules, custom, or precedent, and yet has set it by fiat. This is exactly the kind of thing that caused problems for the moderator of nomic world (Geoff), as e simultaneously made game reality decisions on eir own instant judgement, thus exposing emself to charges of favoritism. A wise move, in making a large scale forum change that happens to support a current in-game profit, be out of keeping with all agoran history and usages, as well as the expected functioning of email systems in general, is to legislate *before* adjusting. -G.