On 20 October 2011 11:48, Alex Smith <ais...@bham.ac.uk> wrote:
> I've noticed we're missing an invasion protection rule at the moment.
> Given that due to events elsewhere, it seems that an invasion may well
> be imminent, I submit the following proposal (Title="Invasion
> protection", AI=2, Ordinary):
> {{{{
> Create a new power-2 rule, "Wisdom of the Elders":
> {{{
> An Elder is a player who has been registered continuously for at least
> 32 days, and also registered for at least 128 days total (not
> necessarily contiguously).
> An Elder can declare a Gerontocracy with 3 Elder support, unless a
> Gerontocracy was declared within the preceding 28 days.
> During the 32 days after a Gerontocracy is declared:
>      * Any Elder CAN flip any non-Elder to supine by announcement;
>      * Any Elder CAN flip any office held by a non-Elder to Assumed by
>        announcement;
>      * Non-Elders CANNOT Assume offices, even if other rules say they
>        can;
>      * Any Elder, with 4 Elder Support, CAN set the Adoption Index of
>        any Agoran Decision with an Adoption Index to 4294967296.
> }}}
> }}}}
> Basically: new players can easily be disqualified from judging, holding
> offices, or forcing through proposals. However, some support is needed
> to make this possible, to avoid trivial abuse of the system. Officers
> like the CotC and IADoP have quite a lot of say over what happens (the
> idea's, e.g., that the CotC could flip an invader to supine just before
> assigning a case), and if an invader is somehow in one of those
> positions already, they could be ousted from it via force-assuming the
> office. (A CotC+IADoP+invader conspiracy could be bad, but still
> manageable as they still wouldn't be able to force through proposals.
> CotC+IADoP+three other Elders would be bad, but that's probably enough
> force to win without invading.)
> --
> ais523

I approve of the principle, however, I would propose that you modify
this proposal to allow support of fewer Eldars if there are fewer
Eldars that required.

Also, I would suggest that any office flipped to assumed using the
powers in this rule gets flipped back to assumed when the Gerontocracy
ends (triggering a new election for the post, in effect).


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