On 10-12-19 10:46 PM, omd wrote:
On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 10:29 PM, Sean Hunt<scsh...@csclub.uwaterloo.ca>  wrote:
This, unfortunately for em, does not work, as there is no
gamestate by which Rule 1551 would actually make that change. Agoran
precedence has long held that no entity can set up a delayed effect of this
form, so there is no reason that ratification would suddenly be able to do

There is no delayed effect here.  The document is a sort of prophecy,
which states that something will happen in its future.  Looking at it
from the present, we can say the prophecy is true if Rule 1551 does
actually make the specified change at the time of ratification, false
if ratification has occurred but the change has not, and still
undetermined otherwise.  If the document does ever get ratified, Rule
1551 will change the gamestate so that it is true, but in the mean
time, it is neither true nor false.

The problem is that there is no gamestate that, at the time of publication, would cause Rule 1551 to mutate a rule a week later. Thus the ratification fails.

I do not believe the reasonability defense applies here as there is no
Agoran precedence

precedent, but I think the above argument is reasonable even if the
court ends up disagreeing with it (although it's moot because the
document won't be ratified).
Accordingly, I judge this case GUILTY.

Note also that, whether or not it was actually illegal, I have already
been punished for this particular action: I NoVed myself for violating
Rule 2215 (Truthiness), and closed the NoV.

By doing so, you waived your right to be punished only once as you were well aware of the proceedings against you.

I appeal this jugement.


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