Proto-Proposal:  All pariahs are equally dirty

Amend Rule 2312 (The Pariah) by replacing this text:

      that player is awarded 23 Rests.

with this text:

      if e has a number of Rests (R) less than 23, then e gains
      23-R Rests.

Proto-Proposal:  Clarify re-dirtying

Amend Rule 2312 (The Pariah) by replacing this text:

      If more than 6 Rests are destroyed in the Pariah's possession in
      any given week, the Pariah is awarded a sufficient number of
      Rests in order to bring eir net Rest loss that week up to no
      more than 6.

with this text, possibly including one of the sections in square

      At the end of each week, if the number of Rests (R) in the current
      Pariah's possession that were destroyed during that week [and
      while e was Pariah] [and since e most recently became Pariah] is
      greater than 6, then e gains R-6 Rests.

Proto-Proposal:  Clarify cleanliness

Amend Rule 2312 (The Pariah) by replacing this text:

      Upon a win announcement that the Pariah has ever continuously
      had 0 Rests for an entire week whilst being the Pariah for all
      of that time, then the Pariah satisfies the Winning Condition of
      Cleanliness. Cleanup condition: The office of Pariah becomes

with this text, possibly including one of the sections in square

      Upon a win announcement that a player was the Pariah and had 0
      Rests for an entire week, that player satisfies the Winning
      Condition of Cleanliness. Cleanup condition: That player CANNOT
      satisfy this Winning Condition again for the same week, and [if
      e is Pariah, then] [if e has remained Pariah since that week,
      then] the office of Pariah becomes vacant.

Proto-Proposal:  Dirty job

Amend Rule 2312 (The Pariah) by appending this text:

      If the Pariah holds no other office, and is neither standing nor
      sitting, then the office of Pariah becomes vacant.

[Force the Pariah to risk violating the rules via inaction.  On the
up side, holding another office means e gains more ergs.]

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