Proto-Proposal:  Clean up eligibility and limits
(AI = 3, II = 1, please)

Amend Rule 683 (Voting on Agoran Decisions) by prepending this text:

      Except as specified by other rules with Power at least 2:

      (1) The eligible voters on an Agoran decision are the active

      (2) Eligibility to vote is measured at the start of the
           voting period.

      (3) The voting limit of an eligible voter on an Agoran
           decision is one.

      The voting limit of an entity that is not an eligible voter on an
      Agoran decision is zero, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

and by replacing the paragrah beginning "Among the otherwise-valid
votes" with this text:

      Among the otherwise-valid votes on an Agoran decision, only the
      first N submitted by each entity are valid, where N is the
      entity's voting limit on that decision at the end of the voting

[Moves the defaults to one place.  Adds a precedence claim to the
zero-voting-limit clause.  Measures voting limits at the end of the
voting period, replacing Rule 2156's time-of-resolution clause which
is removed below.]

Amend Rule 2177 (The Senate) by replacing this text:

      During emergency session, any Senator CAN, with 2 supporting
      Senators, declare a specified non-Senator Ineligible to vote on
      the decision to adopt a given proposal in its voting period.  A
      player's voting limit on a decision for which e is Ineligible is
      0 and cannot be modified, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.
      Any Senator CAN cause an Ineligible player to cease to be
      Ineligible to vote on a specified decision with 4 supporting
      Senators and without objection from a member of the Court (any
      of whom CAN object), restoring eir voting limit to what it would
      be if e had never been made Ineligible.

with this text:

      During emergency session:

        a) Any Senator CAN, with 2 supporting Senators, cause a
           specified non-Senator to cease to be an eligible voter
           on a specified Agoran decision in its voting period.

        b) Any Senator CAN, with 4 supporting Senators and without
           objection from a member of the Court (any of whom CAN
           object), cause a specified non-Senator to become an
           eligible voter on a specified Agoran decision in its
           voting period.

[Extends the mechanism from proposals to all decisions.  Removes

Amend Rule 2154 (Election Procedure) by removing sections 2 and 3,
and renumbering section 4 to 2.

[Requires using the Rule 2177 mechanism to prevent non-Senators from
voting in elections.  Removes redundancy.]

Amend Rule 1950 (Voting on Democratic Decisions) to read:

      On a democratic decision, non-first-class players are not
      eligible voters.

[Removes redundancy.]

Amend Rule 2156 (Voting on Ordinary Decisions) to read:

     The voting limit of a player on an ordinary decision is
     determined as follows, rules to the contrary notwithstanding:

followed by just the numbered items from Rule 2279 (Voting Limits on
Ordinary Decisions).

Repeal Rule 2279.

[Measuring voting limits at time of resolution is vulnerable to
changes that occur while the vote collector is preparing the
resolution message; this is replaced by an end-of-voting-period
clause added to Rule 683 above.  Removes redundancy.  Combines two
rules on substantially the same subject, one of which (2156) would
otherwise be left nearly empty.]

Amend Rule 1367 (Degrees) by removing this text:

       - The eligible voters are each active player at the time the
         decision is initiated.


Amend Rule 2127 (Conditional Votes) by appending this text to the
last paragraph:

      For any decision with exactly two options other than PRESENT,
      those options are opposites.

and appending this paragraph:

      Casting ballots without explicitly specifying the number of
      ballots to be cast (e.g. "FOR" instead of "FOR*1" or "FOR*3")
      is equivalent to conditionally casting a number of such ballots
      equal to one's voting limit on that decision.

Repeal Rule 2280 (Implicit Votes).

[Allow denouncing to do the obvious thing in e.g. a two-candidate
election.  Explicitly interpret e.g. "FOR" in the obvious fashion of
"FOR*whatever my voting limit is when it matters".  Note that 2127
is Power=1 while 2280 is Power=3.]

[I didn't bother cleaning up Rule 2307 (Website Fixup) because it's
temporary anyway.]

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