On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 23:01, Pavitra <celestialcognit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ==============================  CFJ 2695  ==============================
>>     c. awarded emself 70 x-points via the Contract B contest.
>> ========================================================================
>> Caller's Arguments:
>> My intent when writing the rule was to create four limits
>> for each contest (X-awarded, Y-awarded, X-revoked, Y-revoked). The
>> text of the rule seems open to multiple interpretations however.
>> ========================================================================
> I will immediately dispense with the interpretation that the limit is a
> real bound on a complex number of points, as "exceed" has no
> mathematical definition with respect to complex numbers as it does with
> respect to the reals.
> R2233 reads, in part:
>      The contestmaster of a contest CAN and SHALL award and revoke
>      points as directed by that contract up so long as the total
>      number of points awarded or revoked on any axis do not exceed
>      that contest's threshold index. Awards and revocations that
>      counteract a previous award or revocation for that contest that
>      was not in accordance with it's contract or that exceeded the
>      contest's threshold index do not count against this limit.
> The key words here appear to be "total", "any", and the "or" in "awarded
> or revoked".
> I interpret "any" axis to mean any given axis; that is, each axis.
> x-points and y-points are individually constrained.
> The plurality of the verb "do not exceed" implies that the subject of
> the key sentence is not the (singular) "total number of points". It
> cannot be "points", which is clearly enclosed in a prepositional phrase;
> could "or" be interpreted in such a way as to make "the total ...
> awarded or revoked" plural?
> I can imagine no reasonable interpretation for "or" other than that
> points awarded and points revoked both count towards the same total. The
> use of "do" rather than "does" must be treated as a R754(1) difference
> in grammar or dialect.
> "Total" has no further qualifiers or constraints on it, and I can see no
> excuse in the text of the rule for inventing any. In particular, the
> "total number of points awarded or revoked" on a particular axis is
> totaled over all players, over all time, and over all contracts or other
> mechanisms for awarding or revoking points.
> Rule 1586 suggests to me that x-points should be considered the same
> thing as pre-Axis points, which implies that no contract has ever
> awarded x-points.
> I suggest ignoring the text of this rule and letting the incorrect
> obvious interpretation ratify until the situation can be fixed
> legislatively.
This judgment implies that c. was not able to award any points via eir
scam contests. This is what I am recording barring any appeal or
follow-up case.


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