On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:08, Roger Hicks<pidge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 10:57, Kerim Aydin<ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
>> On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, ais523 wrote:
>>> It isn't my website, and I hate it too.
>> Sorry, I knew that was a cheap (and unfair) shot when I wrote it.
>> Yes we've got a buggy proposal (I'd prefer fewer cards) but it also
>> hit when officers stopped serving (just before cards were adopted) and
>> also vacations.
>> The simple answer is to just remove many card types.  That would also
>> get us down to one recordkeepor.  I'd be really happy with that.
> I don't know if reducing card types is the answer (there are plenty of
> interesting and valid effects out there for cards), but I do thing
> that eliminating or combining certain cards with marginal usefulness
> would help.
> Roll Call and Arm-Twist provide small enough bonuses that they seem
> not to be worth it. On the Nod, Kill Bill, and Debate-o-Matic have
> rare enough functions they could be rolled into one card. Your Turn
> and Not Your Turn could be combined or eliminated. Presto!, Discard
> Picking, and Drop Your Weapon could be rolled into one.
> BobTHJ
Just to elaborate further, I think if I held a hand of 5 cards where
each held a readily useful purpose it would be less confusing then
holding a hand of 20 cards where I don't care about half of them
because they are of little or no use to me. This can be accomplished
(without limiting the powers available) by assigning multiple limited
use powers to a single card. A side effect of this is that it would
reduce the number of draws and cards in hand allowing for simpler
recordkeeping and an easier to understand gamestate.


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