On Thu, 18 Jun 2009, Alex Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-06-17 at 15:50 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> The problem on putting the onus on the CFJ caller, here, is that e may
> not be the best person to know the information. If the caller responds,
> effectively, "go on, then, continue playing with unknown gamestate", or
> worse, doesn't call the CFJ in the first place, then that puts the
> Registrar in a very difficult position; e can report Myndzi's playership
> as disputed, but continuing for ages with unknown registration statuses
> could really be damaging to Agora (c.f. Annabel, but probably not quite
> as bad unless Myndzi starts taking actions).

I think I expected the best outcome was for someone interested in it to
take a few moments to collect the day's discussion in an understandable 
set of arguments and re-call the case (like you've done sometimes in
complicated situations); this particular UNDETERMINED seemed without 
prejudice so it doesn't itself imply the whole situation is 
indeterminable.  It just seems easier than an appeal.   I also think 
part of the problem is we've gotten much blurred about arguments:  for 
example, if I perform an action and then call a CFJ later in the message, 
the action doesn't remain associated with the case unless the caller is 
careful to do so/recopy the action.  Wooble is generally pretty good
with calling cases but here I just read the CotC's case assignment 
message itself and couldn't make head or tail out of the situation.


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