On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Ian Kelly <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I intend, with support, to publish the following NoV (I admit this
>> one's a bit iffy): root violated Power=1 R2215 by making the statement
>> "Admitted.", intended to mislead others as to its effectiveness.  This
>> admission was not very effective as its self-ratification lasted only
>> a few hours before being reversed.
>> answers.com defines 'effective' as 'Having an intended or expected
>> effect.', and while this may have had the intended effect, it sure
>> didn't have the expected one.
> Publishing a revision to a document in response to a claim of error is
> not an action and has no effect at all, other than to satisfy the
> requirement to publish it.  In this regard it absolutely had its
> expected effect.
In fact, it should be pointed out that the rules *required* me to
respond to the CoE in this way.  I don't see that R2215 required me in
any way to be extra verbose about it.


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