On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, Elliott Hird wrote:
> 2009/2/18 Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu>:
>> On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, Benjamin Caplan wrote:
>>>> 6109 D 1 3.0 comex               Right to vote
>>> PRESENT. It's unclear how this would interact with the Penrose-Banzhaf
>>> or Shapley-Shubik power indices.
>> Heh.  Actually calculated these for an Agoran voting distribution
>> a few years ago, when trying to negotiate with Lindrum.
> Lindrum? Didn't he give up on Nomic after his World?

There was a Second Coming in 2001, when Lindrum, eir arch-enemy Evantine,
and myself in the middle, (re-?)registered within a week of each other, 
and played for 8-9 months.  Several other former Nomic Worlders were
still among us, then.

It was known at the time as the Nomic Apocalypse.

Though Lindrum set up a currency exchange at the time, nearly identical 
in many respects to recent banks, not particularly apocalyptic.  And we
did, in a sense, resolve some lingering judicial issues from the World.


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