On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, Alex Smith wrote:
> CoE: Proposal 6072 has an AI of 3.

It occurs to me that this is an unexplored point of failure:  
      The adoption index of a proposal is an integral multiple of 0.1
      from 1.0 to 9.9.  It may be set by the proposer at the time of
      submission, or otherwise defaults to 1.0.
"Otherwise defaults" (e.g is this value unless set at the time of 
submission, and the time a proposal is changed in text is not the time
of submission) *may* be sufficient to stop R2238 from changing it.  

[Yes, I'm aware of the counterargument that "defaults" *might* mean
another rule of lower power *might* be able to change it, but an
equal reading is "defaults" in this context might mean that if it is 
not set at the time of submission, this is what it is, YMMV].


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