On Wed, 2008-12-10 at 16:23 -0700, Roger Hicks wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 16:09, The PerlNomic Partnership
> <perlno...@nomictools.com> wrote:
> > The PNP withdraws one 4 crop from the PBA for ^8.
> > The PNP withdraws one 4 crop from the PBA for ^9.
> > Using a Addition Mill, the PNP mills 4 + 4 = 8.
> > The PNP deposits one 8 crop into the PBA to gain ^26.
> > The PNP withdraws one 4 crop from the PBA for ^10.
> > The PNP withdraws one 4 crop from the PBA for ^11.
> > Using a Division Mill, the PNP mills 4 / 4 = 1.
> > The PNP deposits one 1 crop into the PBA to gain ^32.
> > The PNP withdraws one 4 crop from the PBA for ^12.
> > The PNP withdraws one 4 crop from the PBA for ^13.
> > Using a Multiplication Mill, the PNP mills 4 * 4 = 5.
> > The PNP deposits one 5 crop into the PBA to gain ^31.
> >
> >
> This all fails....again.
> Any chance the script controlling these actions could be fixed to,
> say, occasionally submit a valid action?
The script assumes that ehird's PBA report is up to date. That has
proven an incorrect assumption recently, such that we'll have to do some
actions by hand to get its random-crops-obtained-by-mistake count down
and its coin count up.