Elysion wrote:

> On Sat, 8 Nov 2008 19:49:16 +0000
> Elliott Hird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 8 Nov 2008, at 19:14, Sgeo wrote:
>>> Might I point out that if they were to invade us with a sufficiently
>>> large invasion force, Agora would lose, badly, in weeks?
>> You serious? I doubt half of them could even make a working proposal...
> If their capabilities are so questionable (as has been suggested by multiple 
> emails now), why are we so concerned with their recognition? Is Agora really 
> so insecure as to require validation at every available opportunity?

This would be recognition in a different sphere of influence,
formalizing "Agora sometimes behaves more like a country" from
the web site.

pikhq wanted to contact Sealand; I was being more modest.

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