Taral wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 3:35 PM, Benjamin Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I harvest 869 from these crops, the power of a recently amended rule
>> (mutated to power 2), for 6 random crops.  Yay for high seed ratios!
> Funny how this is coming up so often now. I bumped it from 1x to 3x
> ages ago because nobody was using it... now I'm wondering if that was
> too high...

At 1x, you could spend 3-4 known crops to gain 1-3 random crops.  Not
hard to figure out why that didn't get used.

At 3x, you can spend 3-4 known crops to gain 3-9 random crops.  That
seems reasonable to me.  (Both the recent cases involved 3-digit rule
numbers with power >= 2.)

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