On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 4:26 AM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "publicly announce eir intent" is defined and permitted by Rules 478
> and 754, both of which take precedence over Rule 2125.  Only actions
> "by announcement" can be regulated.

I don't follow.  Are you arguing that "publicly announce eir intent"
is not an action, or that it's not an action by announcement?  It
seems pretty clearly to be both.  And where do you find that only
actions "by announcement" can be regulated?  R2125 makes no such

> In general, clauses of the form "A person CAN announce X" have been
> eliminated as tautologies, in favor of "A person who has announced X
> CAN perform action Y" or similar.  In particular, the relevant clause
> of Rule 1728 could be rewritten as follows:
>      A player (the performer) CAN perform a dependent action by
>      announcement, if and only if all of the following are true:
>      (a) A player authorized to perform that action (the initiator)
>          announced eir intent to do so, unambiguously describing both
>          the action and the method, including the required value for N;

I agree that this would be an improvement, and my recollection is that
R1728 did in fact read something like this at one point.
Unfortunately, that particular phrasing seems to have reverted.


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