This is just a proto of a contract. I do not agree to this contract at
this time.

This is a public contract called "Vote Market Insurance". Parties to
this contract are known as Insurees.

Any entity that either possesses VP or is bound by the Vote Market may
join this contract by announcement.

Total VP is defined as the total amount of VP possessed by all
Insurees taken together.

Any Insuree may leave this contract by announcement, as long as e is
not a debtor, as defined by this contract, and as long as eir leaving
would not cause the Total VP to become less than 50.

No Insuree may take any action that would cause the Total VP to become
less than 50 VP if it is currently equal to or greater than 50 VP.

Any insuree, hereafter known as the debtor may, by announcement, act
on behalf of another insuree, hereafter known as the creditor, to have
any positive amount of the creditor's VP to be transfered to the
debtor. Upon doing so, the debtor is considered to owe that amount of
VP to the creditor, and the debtor SHALL return that amount of VP to
the creditor within 24 hours of having taken the VP from the creditor
in this manner.

Any creditor who is currently an Insuree may, by announcement, act on
behalf of any of eir debtors to cause the debtor to give the creditor
the amount of VP that the debtor owes. This does not cause the
creditor to be a debtor, however, if the debtor now owes no VP to
anyone, e ceases to be a debtor.

All Insurees SHOULD try to get the Total VP to be greater than or
equal to 50VP if it is not currently so.

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