On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 11:57 AM, Elliott Hird
> 2008/7/15 Ian Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> The problem is that partnerships aren't people.
>> They are if they're public and have a basis of at least two, which are
>> the only ones that we've decided we want to have interacting with the
>> game (and with good reason).  Unless Goethe is right, in which case
>> the "public" requirement failed to take effect.
> But partnerships _aren't people_. I'm saying our current definition is wrong.

They can be legal persons of Agora in the same way that real-life
partnerships can be real-life legal persons.  What's wrong with that?

> No, doer vs non-doer would not be a question of rights. Only people have 
> rights,
> and thus partnerships wouldn't.

Ah.  I would suggest that, in keeping with legal practice we should
instead split "persons" into "natural persons" and "artificial
persons", and have R101 assign rights only to the natural variety.


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