2008/7/15 Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> This makes something occur to me.  Once an entity (a partnership) is
> defined as a person, is it even possible, without violating R101, to make
> them a non-person?  At one stroke, by doing so, we've removed rights
> that (the instant before the change takes effect) we're not permitted
> to remove.  It may be possible to change the rules so that no new
> partnerships can be defined as persons (because non-existing partnerships
> aren't persons yet) but can we get rid of the previous ones in any way?
> Similarly, can we amend R101 in a manner that reduces a current right?
> (It's always possible to make a power-4 rule temporarily to allow it,
> I'm talking about doing the reduction through a straightforward
> amendment).

The problem is that partnerships aren't people.

We need 'doers', which are like people+partnerships. And most occurences
of 'person' replaced with 'doer' in the rules, and players be a subset of doers.


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